What's New
Ukrainian Crisis - Government & Community Support

The City of New Westminster has partnered with Holy Eucharist Cathedral and the Welcoming and Inclusive New Westminster Local Immigration Partnership Council (WINS LIP) to support the Ukrainian community during this time of crisis. 

Over the past several weeks, governments, faith-based organizations, non-profit agencies, businesses, and community members have been mobilizing to support the Ukrainian community during this time of crisis.

Holy Eucharist Cathedral, located in New Westminster, is serving as an informal hub for crisis response for the local community and beyond, collaborating with Ukrainian organizations across the province. Response services include providing information to families with relatives in the Ukraine, developing a database of support offers from across the province, and managing a donation program: Help Us Help Ukraine.

The federal government has established the Job Bank’s Jobs for Ukraine, which calls on employers who wish to support Ukrainians with offers of employment to register these offers and the government will help connect them to those seeking work.

A matching fund for Canadians who donate to the Ukraine has been setup through the Canadian Red Cross, Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal

More information on these and other actions can be found on the Canada’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine website.

Welcoming Ukraine

A new, dedicated Welcoming Ukraine portal, gov.bc.ca/WelcomingUkraine, is operational and provides information to Ukrainians who are moving to the province, as well as for British Columbians who want to volunteer or donate to show their support. The website, which is also available in Ukrainian and Russian, complements Service BCs phone line and is part of a series of supports the Province will be rolling out over the coming months. Service BCs phone line is available at 1 800 663-7867.

English: gov.bc.ca/WelcomingUkraine
Ukrainian: gov.bc.ca/WelcomingUkraine-UKR
Russian: gov.bc.ca/WelcomingUkraine-RU

Related Documents

March 28, 2021 Report to Council

March 29, 2021 Press Release

Date posted:March 28, 2022