Let's Get Ready to Ride
June 10, 2023
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
Century House
Are your tires pumped? Is the seat set right, do you have brakes? Let’s get ready for that first ride with a step by step guide on preparing you and your bike for a safe and fun trip. Gordon Hobbis from Cap’s Bicycles will take you through the Stop, Drop and Roll test for any bike to determine its roadworthiness. A proper bike fit will ease the strain on your body for an enjoyable outing. Learn the basics of a bike fit and proper riding technique to keep those pedals turning all summer long. Participants are encouraged to bring their bikes.
Saturday, June 10, 2023Time:
1:00 pm2:30 pm
City of New WestminsterCost:
Free, Registration RequiredWebsite:
Register Online