Bicycle Donation Drive April 8-May 31
April 8, 2024
12:00 am
12:00 am
Cap's Bicycle Shop
Do you have a bicycle that could be rehomed to a community member? A bicycle in your garage or storage locker that has not been used for years? Consider donating it! Any bicycle in any condition will be accepted!
Cap’s Bicycle Shop will refurbish the donated bicycles and match it with a community member who has applied through our application process. Members of equity-denied groups will be given first consideration to receive bicycles.
Donate Bikes:
Cap’s Bicycle Shop in Sapperton – 434A East Columbia Street
Every day, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
For more information, please email
Apply to Receive a Bike:
- Online: Download an Application Form & email completed Application Form to
- In-person: Pick-up and drop-off forms beginning April 8:
Century House, 620 Eighth Street
New Westminster Welcome Centre, 820 Sixth Street
Successful applicants will be notified April - May.
This projects is presented with support from the City of New Westminster.

Monday, April 8, 2024Time:
12:00 am12:00 am
Cap's Bicycle Shop