"Tick, Tick... BOOM!" is a semi-autobiographical musical by Jonathan Larson. It follows Jon, an aspiring composer nearing his 30th birthday in 1990, as he grapples with the pressure to achieve success in the theater world. As he navigates the challenges of his artistic journey, Jon faces the anxiety of time slipping away and questions whether his dreams are worth the sacrifices. Jon's best friend Michael, who has chosen a stable corporate job, and his girlfriend Susan, who considers leaving New York City for a more secure life, add to his internal conflict. The musical vividly portrays Jon’s inner struggle between his passion for composing and the practical demands of life, set against the backdrop of New York City's musical theater scene. Jonathan Larson also wrote the award winning Broadway musical, Rent.
TICK TICK BOOM! is presented by special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI) All authorized performance material is supplied by MTI.