September 2024 update:
The temporary dog off-leash area at 68 Sixth Street will close on September 27, 2024, as the site returns to BC Provincial Rental Housing Corporation for supportive housing construction. Learn more
The City recognizes this site's popularity and are exploring new off-leash options for the downtown area.
September 2023 update:
A new, temporary Downtown Dog Off Leash Area at 68 Sixth Street (between Agnes Street and Victoria Street) in will open in mid-September. This temporary space will be available for approximately 10 months and will be fully fenced with a double-gate entry, wood mulch surfacing and a dog waste receptacle.
The existing Downtown Dog Off Leash Area located at 824 Agnes Street will close on September 29, 2023 for construction of a residential tower and a commemorative community park. The 68 Sixth Street is a short walk from the previous site (see map below) and will provide an interim Off Leash Area in the heart of Downtown until a new location is determined.