Creating the 2017 OCP

Between 2014 and 2017 the City underwent and comprehensive review of the OCP. This process concluded in October 2017 when the new OCP was adopted.

Year one focused on conducting background research and community engagement, including the Traveling Community Workshop. Year two focused on drafting the vision, goals, policies and land use designation map. Year three focused on drafting and adopting the document. The process is outlined in more below.

Click here to review past Council reports and consultation material. 

Step 1. Background Research

Staff reviewed the existing OCP and other related policy documents to identify what should be kept in the new OCP, where there were policy gaps that needed to be filled and innovative approaches that could be applied. Working with consultants, staff also conducted an update of city statistics and projections to 2041.

Step 2. OUR CITY Public Launch
(Summer 2014)

The OCP Review was launched through the Traveling Community Workshop. This workshop "traveled" through the city to different venues. Events featured a variety of activities to engage the community in sharing what is important to them about our city. The public launch also included the OUR CITY Photo Contest. Community member were invited to submit photos of New Westminster.

Step 3. Vision and Goal Development
(Fall 2014 – Summer 2015)

The community was invited to participate in the Neighbourhood Visioning Process, a design-based workshop and open house explored options for how the city may grow and change over time. The purpose of the process was to work together to create a vision in drawings of what New Westminster might look like in 2041. The findings, along with the outputs of the first two steps, informed the creation of the draft OCP vision statement and the goal for each policy area. The draft vision and goals were presented to Council, City committees and the community for review.

Step 4. Policies and Land Use Scenarios Development
(Summer 2015 - Winter 2016)

Land use scenarios were created for each neighbourhood. Community members provided input on these scenarios and on infill housing forms during the Community Conversation on Housing. Feedback from these events was used to create the first draft of the Land Use Designation Map. A further round of consultation activities was held to gather feedback on the draft Map, so that refinements could be made. During this step the draft vision and goals were refined, and draft policies were created.

Step 5: Official Community Plan Development and Adoption
(Winter 2016 - Fall 2017)

Staff incorporated the revised vision, goals, policies, Land Use Designation Map, and other components into a draft Official Community Plan. The draft OCP was presented to Council, to the public, and circulated for review. The feedback received was presented to Council and final revisions to the OCP were made.

The OCP was presented to Council on June 26, 2017 and was adopted by Council on October 2, 2017.