project description
A Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment has been approved for the Comprehensive Development Zoning (CD-67) that was adopted for 100 Braid Street on November 21, 2016. A development permit application is being processed concurrently with the Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment and will facilitate the development. The purpose of the text amendment is to:
- increase the net residential density on the subject property from 18,817.5 sq.m. (202,550 sq.ft.; 4.3 FSR) to 28,167.18 sq.m. (303,190 sq.ft.; 6.45 FSR);
- increase the maximum building height from 65 metres (213.25 feet) to 118 metres (390.42 feet); and
- decrease the off-street resident and resident visitor parking requirements up to a maximum of 20% subject to the provision of a Transportation Study and implementation of a Transportation Demand Management Plan to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services.
In exchange, the applicant will provide 423 units of secured market rental housing, including two and three bedroom units consistent with Family-Friendly Housing requirements. The applicant is pursuing Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) funding, which will allow 96 units to be offered at less-than-market rates based on CMHC affordability criteria (which is a lesser standard than the City’s affordability criteria), accessible units, and improved building energy efficiency.
The project is being considered under the City’s Secured Market Rental Housing Policy in regards to the proposed additional height and density, and parking reductions. The rental housing will be secured through a Housing Agreement registered on title. The applicant’s request to remove six specimen trees fronting their site is being considered in exchange for providing the 96 below-market units for a period of 16 years, and a $70,000 cash-in-lieu contribution for street tree planting in the neighbourhood.
Consistent with the existing site zoning and covenant on title, the proposal will provide 395 sq.m. (4,252 sq.ft.) of dedicated art gallery and studio space with discounted rents.
Click here to view drawings of the proposed development.
For more detailed drawings, view the reports available under Development Process, below.
There are multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. The process typically includes applicant-led consultation, review by City committees and City-led consultation. The review process is iterative and revisions are considered, based on consultation feedback, throughout the process.
Applicant-Led Engagement
In order to meet the funding deadlines required to provide affordable housing, the applicant-led engagement process was streamlined and the results helped inform City-led consultation.
Click here to view a summary of the applicant-led consultation.
The streamlined process included engagement with:
- Sapperton Residents Association,
- Sapperton Business Association,
- New Westminster Chamber of Commerce,
- Urban Academy School,
- Royal Columbian Hospital,
- McBride Elementary School,
- Douglas Commerce and Business Association, and
- others as identified through the consultation process.
Click here to view the applicant's web site for the proposed development.
Virtual Information Session
On October 7, 2020 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. there was a presentation followed by a Question & Answer session hosted on Zoom.
City-Led Consultation
The comment period for this application closed October 12, 2020. Options for comment included email, mail, telephone and a survey. Written comments will be made publicly available. A Public Hearing may be scheduled in the future, if determined by Council.
Click here for a summary of City-led consultation.
What we Heard
50 survey respondents responded to the survey. 33 survey respondents did not support (either did not support or strongly did not support) the proposed change, while 15 respondents supported the proposed change (either supported or strongly supported). The most common concerns about the project related to traffic, parking, height of building and needing more affordable housing, while the most common items liked about the project were about having density near Skytrain and having more rental (including affordable rental) housing built.
Who we Heard From
The majority of survey respondents were from the Sapperton area, were 35-49 years old and were homeowners.
Development Applications
- Rezoning (REZ00201)
- Development Permit (DP000831)
To learn more about the different kinds of development applications, please click here.
Development Process
- July 13, 2020: Report to Council
- August 31, 2020: Report to Council
- September 22, 2020: Presentation to New Westminster Design Panel
- September - October: Applicant-led Consultation
- September - October: City-led Consultation
- December 14: Public Hearing and Council Consideration of Approval
This application was reviewed using an interim development review process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to learn more.
Please contact the Planning Division at or 604-527-4532 regarding any questions or concerns.
Last updated: December 17, 2020