
The City of New Westminster has established the COVID-19 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Working Group which will focus advising response efforts related to seniors and persons with disabilities. 

These populations may be dealing with one or more of the following conditions or situations:

  • anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues
  • compromised immune systems or underlying health conditions, possibly requiring prescription drugs or medications
  • cultural or language barriers
  • fixed or low incomes
  • food insecurity or specialized diets (e.g., diabetes)
  • limited mobility and reliance on a mobility device or public transit
  • limited or no support networks
  • loneliness or social isolation

The working group comprises government, faith, and non-profit representatives. The key responsibilities of the working group are outlined in the Terms of Reference (create link to TOR).

The working group will meet on a weekly basis and there may be occasions when special meetings are required.