Fire Inspections & Fire Safety Plans

The mandate of the Public Safety & Prevention Division is to prevent injury, loss of life, and loss of property due to fire or related health and safety hazards, by providing enforcement of various codes and standards, public education and fire investigation. Services include the administration and enforcement of fire safety legislation, such as the Fire Services Act, BC Building Code, BC Fire Code and the City of New Westminster Fire Protection Bylaw No. 6940, 2004.

The Public Safety & Prevention Division interprets and explains applicable legislation and bylaws to a variety of internal and external contacts. We provide assistance and advice regarding fire prevention and safety matters such as fire protection systems, services, plan reviews and applicable life safety codes.


A new fee structure for fire safety plan reviews was proposed this fall and has been passed by Council. The changes to the fee structure outlined in Schedule “A” of our Fire Protection Bylaw are as follows:

Schedule “A” – Effective January 1st, 2025:





Fee for Fire Safety Plan Review

Low Rise (6 or fewer storeys)

Complex Buildings:

-    High Rise (7+ storeys)

-    Care/Treatment Facility

-    Detention Facility

Amendment to existing plan

-    Administrative updates (e.g. contact information, formatting, etc.)

-    Operational updates (e.g. occupancy classification, building layout, fire protection systems replacement, etc.)

Construction Fire Safety Plan


$180.00 per new plan

$340.00 per new plan





No charge


$110 per review


$180.00 per new plan


Reference Documents

Building Fire Safety Checklist

Building Fire Safety Guide

Business License Inspections Brochure

Property Contact Information

  • General Inquiries
    8:30 am - 4:00 pm
    Monday - Friday (excluding statutory holidays)
    T: 604-519-1000

  • Public Safety and Prevention
    (inspections, fire safety issues, public education)
    T: 604-519-1004