Application and Permitting Process
1) To apply for a tree removal permit, please visit the Planning Department at City Hall (Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm). See each permits requirements before applying to ensure you have all documents. Only complete applications will be accepted for review.
Tree removal applications have a $75 application fee unless you are a Resident Applicant with a hazard tree. Critical Root Zone Work Authorizations (CRZWA) and No Tree Declarations do not have an application fee.
2) Once a complete application is received, they are reviewed based on application date not scope or value of project. The time it takes to review then approve a tree permit varies greatly. It can depend on time of year, complexity of the project as well as staffing levels.
3) A City Arborist will conduct a site visit to confirm all information supplied in the application. They will be in contact with the applicant if they have any further questions or need supporting documents.
4) The application will be approved or rejected
5) Removal approval:
a) Replacement tree plan must be in place
b) Authorized Agent or Homeowner must come to City Hall to pay fees and securities as well as sign permit and conditions
c) Replacement trees must be planted within 6 months of permit issuance.
If a project is a new dwelling, the final building permit will not be issued until your replacement trees have been planted. Replacement trees are now included as part of the building inspectors final checklist. Project arborist must submit a memo to including the species, location, a photo, and outline proper planting procedures for each replacement tree.
d) No less than 1 replacement tree shall be planted on the same lot as the trees that are cut or removed. If the lot cannot accommodate some or all of the required replacement trees, the city will accept cash-in-lieu of payment.
e) Project Arborist must approve replacement tree plans prior to planting. The memo/report including photos, location, and species may be submitted to
f) 40% of replacement tree securities are refunded once confirmation of trees being planted. The remaining 60% is released after the one year maintenance period and a follow up report sent to
6) Critical Root Zone Worth Authorization (CRZWA) Approval:
a) Project Arborist must approve tree protection barriers then submit a corresponding memo/report to
b) Authorized Agent or Homeowner must come to City Hall to pay and sign permit and conditions.
c) Tree Protection Barriers must remain in place in accordance with bylaw until City Arborist gives final approval. Only after this may the fences come down.
d) If work must be performed inside the tree protection barrier Project Arborist must be on site to supervise work.
e) Final building inspection won't be issued until we receive a memo from Project Arborist stating the current health and vigour of all retained trees
f) Retained tree securities are refunded after the owner has received the final building permit.
7) No Tree Applications:
a) City Arborist to review application
b) Site visit may need to occur.
c) Once no impact to trees has been determined either by a site visit or photos and street view you will be notified via email or phone to come to City Hall to pick up and sign permit.
For more information about the Tree Protection and Regulation Bylaw or if you would like to report an illegal tree removal in progress, please email or call 604-636-4318.