Frequently Asked Questions
When is a permit required for cutting or removing a tree under the Tree Bylaw?
A permit is required for cutting or removing any protected tree.
What is a protected tree?
A permit is required to remove or cut a protected tree. Protected trees include the following:
- Trees with a diameter of ≥ 20cm when measured at 1.3m (4' 3") above grade
- Trees with more than one stem, the combined diameter of its two largest trunks or stems is ≥ 20cm
- Trees with evidence of nesting birds
- Trees that do not meet the size requirements but were a condition of a plan or permit approval
- A hedge that is ≥ 5m in height
- Trees/shrubs of any size on all City-owned or occupied lands
How do I measure the diameter of a tree
- Measure circumference of the tree trunk at 1.3m (4' 3") above grade
- Divide the circumference by 3.1416 to obtain the diameter
For a multi-stem tree, measure the diameter of the two largest stems and then add them together.
Do I need a permit to prune my tree?
A permit is not required for pruning of a protected tree so long as pruning is carried out in accordance with sound arboricultural practice and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A300 and the latest edition of the companion publication “Best Management Practices – Tree Pruning”, published by the International Society of Arboriculture.
Pruning shall not include:
- Crown raising to the extent that the live crown ratio is less than 50%
- Removal of more than 25% of the crown in a single season
- Topping
- Pruning or removal of a structural root within the critical root zone of a protected tree
Why do I have to plant a new tree?
The objectives contained in the Urban Forest Management Strategy include increasing our city’s tree canopy cover from its current 18% to 27%. The planting of replacement trees is integral to the overall Strategy and the Tree Protection Bylaw.
Why do I need a Project Arborist?
A Project Arborist is an ISA Certified Arborist who is hired by the applicant. They are independent from the City and provides an unbiased perspective on tree health and management of your property throughout the project.