January 3, 2019
Calendar of Events

Saturday, January 5
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
New Westminster Fire Fighters' Charitable Society Tree Chipping
Canada Games Pool parking lot

Sunday, January 6
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
New Westminster Fire Fighters' Charitable Society Tree Chipping
Canada Games Pool parking lot

Tuesday, January 8
7:00 pm
Queensborough Residents' Association Meeting
Queensborough Community Centre

Monday, January 14
6:00 pm
Council resumes with Regular Meeting
Council Chamber
Other Flexible Plastics at Recycling Depot
The New Westminster Recycling Depot, located at Sixth Avenue and McBride Blvd, will be accepting Other Flexible Plastic Packaging starting January 2, 2019. This includes crinkly wrappers and bags, zipper lock bags, net plastic bags, and non-food protective packaging. For a full list of acceptable items, please visit RecycleBC.ca.