February 6, 2020
Calendar of Events

Thursday, February 6
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Recycling & Waste Reduction Open House
Queensborough Community Centre

7:00 pm
Sapperton Residents’ Association Meeting
Knox Church

7:00 pm
Massey Victory Heights Residents’ Association AGM
Mount Zion Lutheran Church

Saturday, February 8
10:30 am – 1:30 pm
Recycling & Waste Reduction Drop-in Dialogues
Anvil Centre

Tuesday, February 11
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Recycling & Waste Reduction Drop-in Dialogues
St. Aidan’s Church

7:00 pm
Queensborough Residents Association Meeting
Queensborough Community Centre

Monday, February 17
11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Family Day in New Westminster
Anvil Centre
(Visit newwestcity.ca for other Family Day events with times and locations)

Thursday, February 20
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Innovation Expo
Anvil Centre Theatre

Yard and Food Scraps Reminders

Yard and food scraps are collected weekly, year round. Please refer to the collection schedule for more details. Got extras? Newspaper and kraft paper yard bags may be used to contain food waste in your yard and food scraps cart. Please fill up your cart first and then replace any extra yard trimmings bags next to your cart and ensure they weigh less than 50 lbs so the driver can lift the bags to reload your cart.

Did you know? It is free for New West residents to drop off yard trimmings at the current Coquitlam Transfer Station at 1200 United Boulevard. This free service will continue once the new transfer station opens later in the year as well.

DO NOT USE PLASTIC OR PLASTIC-LIKE BIODEGRADABLE BAGS. The City must comply with the requirements of our processor. Kraft paper yard bags and newspaper may be used to contain food waste in your yard and food scraps cart.

Depending on weather conditions, your carts' contents can either freeze in winter or clump together in summer, preventing them from being fully emptied. You may wish to line the bottom of your cart with newspaper and layer yard trimmings with food scraps or newspaper whenever possible.