February 27, 2020
Calendar of Events

Friday, February 28
8:30 – 10:00 pm
Youth Swim
Canada Games Pool

Monday, March 2
1:00 – 2:30 pm
LEADS Workshop: Creativity & Learning
Century House

No Council Meeting

Thursday, March 5
3:30 – 5:30 pm
Youth Volunteer Orientation
Century House

6:30 – 8:00 pm
Westminster Pier Park Play Area Open House
River Market

Monday, March 9
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
LEADS Workshop: Downsizing for Seniors
Century House

6:00 pm
Regular Meeting of Council
Council Chamber


Advanced Meters for a Modern Electrical Grid

Starting in fall 2020, the New Westminster Electric Utility will be upgrading existing electrical meters with a more capable metering system known as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI).

Advanced meters are a critical step to modernizing our power grid and will enable us to keep providing reliable, cost-effective service.

Benefits to you include:

  • Tools to help you reduce energy waste and save money
  • Faster and more targeted outage response
  • Enhanced safety features that will help protect your home and community
  • Improved operational efficiency and reduced costs over time
  • A grid that supports today’s sustainable options, such as electric vehicles and solar panels

You will receive more information in advance of your new meter being installed.

To learn more, visit newwestcity.ca/ami