New Westminster Parks and Recreation is pleased to offer the Get Active and Stay Active programs to Grade 5 and Grade 6 students in New Westminster. Come celebrate National Culture Days and Anvil Centre's fifth birthday with us! Live demos, equipment displays, Sparky the Fire Dog and the New West Firefighters' Charitable BBQ by donation. Join us as we plant 450 trees! Our grant application is now available online. The festival will feature an information fair with over 32 community groups and businesses providing services, benefits, and much more to older adults. The City of New Westminster is pleased to present New West WinterFest, a collaboration of festive events taking place in New Westminster over the holiday season. Join us at Culture Forward happening at Anvil Centre on September 28th! We're starting the budget process for 2019-2022, where we will start to make our strategic plan into a reality. We would like to share with the residents of Queensborough our current drainage projects and plans for the next couple of years. By virtue of the Warehouseman's Lien Act, the City of New Westminster Towing and Storage Service will dispose of the following vehicles, by public auction, to recover the towing, storage, legal, and other costs associated with the disposal of each vehicle. Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8140, 2019 re 805 Boyd Street - Cannabis Retail Location Public Operator Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 7846, 2019 and Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 7847, 2019 re 1935 Eighth Avenue Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8087, 2019 re 34 South Dyke Road - Townhouses and Opportunity to be Heard for DVP00635 re South Dyke Road Pursuant to the Local Government Act, Section 645