January 16, 2020
Calendar of Events

Monday, January 20
No Council Meeting

Tuesday, January 21
7:00 pm
Brow of the Hill Residents Association Meeting
New West Public Library

Monday, January 27
12:00 pm
Open Council Workshop
Council Chamber

6:00 pm
Regular Meeting of Council
Council Chamber

7:00 pm
Public Hearing followed by continuation of Regular Meeting of Council
Council Chamber

Thursday, January 30
7:00 pm
Glenbrooke North Residents’ Association Meeting
Century House Spruce Room

Snow and Ice Removal

We'd like to remind property owners and occupants in New Westminster that the City’s Street and Traffic Bylaw No. 7664, 2015 requires snow and ice to be removed from sidewalks abutting their property by no later than 10:00 am of the day following a snowfall event.

When clearing sidewalks:

  • Sidewalks should be clear of snow and ice the full length and width and down to bare concrete to ensure accessibility for all citizens.
  • Please do not shovel onto the street.
  • Please do not use table, rock salt, or a sodium based product as it will damage the surface of the sidewalk. Suitable de-icing products are available for purchase at local retailers.

Report a violation

To make a report, please call 604-519-2010 or email 

Adopt a sidewalk

Help make a positive contribution in your community. Residents who are able and willing may wish to consider lending a hand. Adopt the sidewalk of a senior or a person with a mobility challenge.