Pursuant to Section 26(3) and in accordance with Section 94 of the Community Charter, and subject to adoption of Grimston Park Amendment Bylaw No. 8219, 2020, the Corporation of the City of New Westminster hereby gives notice of its intention to dispose of 684.4 m2 area of land on the east side of Grimston Park at 1900 Seventh Avenue to the Province of B.C. for the purposes of accommodating the Stewardson Way Pedestrian and Cycling Overpass (Area A on the reference map below), and enter into a licence agreement for the public use of remaining Ministry of Highways lands adjacent to the park at 1811, 1817, and 1819 Sixth Avenue.
Approval of the electors for this land transfer must be obtained by an alternative approval process. This process is ongoing currently. The deadline for completing an Elector Response Form on this matter is 4:30 p.m. on Monday, November 9, 2020. More details are available at newwestcity.ca/publicnotices.
Grimston Park Amendment Bylaw No. 8219, 2020 will be considered by Council for adoption on Monday, November 30, 2020.