Property Information and Records


    The CityViews Map can be used to search for a variety of property information, including site development reports, zoning information, permit history, underground services, easements & right-of-ways, land use classifications and transportation.
    • Access the CityViews Map by clicking the link below. After selecting a specific property, by either using the search bar, or right-clicking a property and selecting "find data on map", a Site Report for that property can be obtained from a link on the left column. This Site Development Report will outline the zoning information for the site, and any buildings on the property, as well as a listing of permits issued for the property.



    Property owners wishing to obtain Building Division records, including archived drawings, copies of permits, inspection reports, or professional reports may do so through a Document Request.
    • A document request may only be made by either the registered property owner, or an authorized agent of the owner, with a complete Letter of Authorization.
      If the request is for a strata property, the Letter of Authorization must also be signed by the president of the strata council.
      If the owner is a Corporation or Non-Profit, the Letter of Authorization must be accompanied by a letter from the owners solicitor or a copy of the Company or Society Summary, confirming the signatory has signing authority. 
      The City cannot guarantee that the requested information will be on file, or that documents that are on file are complete. 
      Please note there is a non-refundable search fee, in addition to the service fees and per page fees. 

    When the requestor is not the property owner and not acting with the owners authorization, or is requesting information beyond that outlined in the Document Request Form, the requestor must complete a Freedom of Information Request for Records.

    A Comfort Letter is a formal letter provided by the Planning and Development Department, which provides a summary of the property, based on existing archive information. A comfort letter does not provide copies of documents or drawings.
    • Information provided can include, but not limited to;
      • Outstanding violations against the property
      • Written record of permits and occupancy dates
      • Confirmation of zoning and development entitlements
      • Heritage protection status
      • Fire inspections & notices of violations
      For more information, please contact the Planning Division at
    • A Comfort Letter is a formal letter provided by the Planning and Development Department, which provides a summary of the property, based on existing archive information. A comfort letter does not provide copies of documents or drawings. Further information on comfort letters can be found here.

      To submit a request for a Comfort Letter, please contact the Planning Division at