Transportation Plans and Studies
Neighbourhood transportation plans and traffic calming plans provide implementation measures and improvements to address specific issues within a particular neighbourhood or area.
To view each of the plans, click on the links below:
- Queensborough Transportation Plan (2024)
- Uptown Streetscape Vision (2020)
- Projects on the Go: Uptown Streetscape (Completed)
- Downtown Transportation Plan (2020)
- Queen’s Park Traffic Calming (2019)
- Connaught Heights Traffic Calming (2018)
- Sapperton & Massey-Victory Heights Transportation Plan (2018) – Summary Report (2018)
The ATNP updates the MTP cycling network and identifies a Core Network connecting major destinations, including commercial areas, civic facilities, schools, parks, and interregional routes.
To view the ATNP or the Core Network Map below, click on either link below:
- Active Transportation Network Plan (2022)
- ATNP Core Network Map (2022)
Improvements and measures identified in each transportation plan are implemented through a variety of methods including:
- Local Area Service improvements
- City capital and operating budgets for maintenance/replacement
- City-led projects using grants and other funding opportunities
- Future development
Implementation timelines are dependent on many factors including:
- Capital plan budget allocation
- Size and scope of developments in a neighbourhood, and
- Prioritization with other neighbourhood improvements identified throughout the City
Parking studies and strategies have been completed to work in tandem with relevant neighbourhood transportation plans, and to guide long-term planning and management of parking within the City.
- Victoria Hill Parking Study (2019)
- Quayside Drive Parking Study (2018)
- Sapperton Parking Study (2016)
- Downtown Parking Strategy (2013)
The Intersection Network Screening Road Safety Review was completed as a review of intersection safety across the city of New Westminster. This report, completed in August 2023, is part of the City’s commitment to road safety, and helps guide implementation of road safety measures throughout the city.