Environment Strategy and Action Plan

Adopted on September 17, 2018 the Environmental Strategy and Action Plan (ESAP) is the City’s environmental master plan which includes a vision, set of goals and actions to be implemented over the next 10 years (and beyond) in four priority areas:

1. Energy, Emissions & Climate Change

2. Buildings, Sites & Urban Design

3. Water, Waste & Materials

4. Natural Areas & Habitat   

The ESAP integrates and builds on past work, such as Envision 2032, the OCP and other environmentally-related city strategies and plans. While Envision 2032 is the overarching framework that informs and guides city activities towards a desired sustainable future, the ESAP is the tool to help translate the environmental intentions into action. 

While the City has an important role to play in promoting sustainability in its own operations and areas of influence, support will be required from our key community partners in implementing a successful ESAP.   The City will develop key indicators to monitor progress of the actions and share its achievements with Council and the community.