Major Projects Building Permit

New major building projects (commercial, industrial and multi-family) require a Building Permit. The following instructions will explain what is required to apply for a Building Permit.

  1. Property

    Any subdivision / consolidation of the property must be complete. The site plan must be submitted and calculations for design must match the legal property at the time of submission. Any changes to the property after application submission that occur prior to permit issuance may invalidate the permit application and require a resubmission. If rezoning is required, an application must be filed and have first reading through City Council.
  2. Engineering Development Review

    The submission to the Engineering Department must be made and the Department’s first review comments must be returned.
  3. Development Permit

    A Development Permit application must be submitted and the project must be taken to the New Westminster Design Panel for their review. All Development Permits will require a Building Information Sheet to be filled out with an application.
  4. Preliminary Building Permit Application Meeting

    The Design Team is requested to contact the Permit Coordinator to arrange a meeting.

Please see Form & Documentation for handouts.