Making a Development Application

In many cases, prior to being able to apply for a building permit, one or more development applications, such as a rezoning, development permit or subdivision, may be required. These development applications can vary in complexity and different types of applications may be needed depending on a number of factors including what is proposed and where the property is located. As such, prior to submitting a development application, you should take some time to speak with a planner, either through an application inquiry or pre-application review prior to submitting a formal application. This page includes information on how to review your proposal with staff in the Planning Division and how to subsequently make a formal application. Before considering a development application, you should review the information provided on the Considerations for Development in New Westminster page. More information on development applications involving heritage buildings or structures are covered on the heritage and development page.

Development Inquiry | Pre-Application Review (PAR)

Development Inquiry

Before preparing and submitting a development application, you may want to meet with staff in the Planning Division for a development inquiry. They will discuss a number of things with you including the necessary types of development applications, the application review process, and the policies and regulations that may affect the development application. The applicant may be advised to secure the services of qualified professionals for various components of the application, such as engineers, arborists or architects.

To assist in this inquiry review an outline of the proposed changes to the property and a simple sketch of the property, including the location and size of existing and proposed buildings should to be provided. It is important to provide as much detailed and complete information as possible to ensure the review can be completed as quickly as possible, and to assist Planning Division staff in being able to provide the most useful initial feedback for you. If there is incomplete information, staff may require additional information prior to being able to provide feedback.
Once you have a the above information, please submit by email to the Planning Division at  requesting an inquiry review. A staff member will confirm receipt and provide an estimated time for response based on current volume of inquiries, requests and applications, current staffing levels and the complexity of your proposal.
Staff will review your submitted information and provide initial feedback, information on required applications, and next steps including whether you should consider a Pre-Application Review (PAR) prior to formal development applications.

  • Pre-Application Review

    Depending on the scope and complexity of the project, a Pre-Application Review (PAR) may be beneficial prior to a formal application.
    The PAR is an application which provides opportunities for a more detailed review of the project concept with the Planning Division and also includes other City departments such as Parks and Engineering. Depending on the type of proposal, it may also be presented to Council for initial feedback.
    Many applications can benefit from a PAR, as the process helps to identify key considerations and potential issues of a proposed development before significant investment is made in a full application. Large or complex projects are particularly likely to benefit from the process. The process will provide the applicant with the following kinds of information:
    • Consistency with City policies and regulations;
    • Expectations about required studies and qualified professionals, such as Engineers, Biologists, Architects, Landscape Architects, or Planners;
    • Anticipated sequencing of steps for the full application review process; 
    • General servicing requirements; 
    • Special considerations, such as buildings on the property that are more than 50 years old, parking, or tree retention; and
    • Potential challenges related to the site or project.
    The information provided will vary depending on the scope and complexity of a project, and detail of information which has been provided to the City by the applicant. All comments and feedback on the proposal will be consolidated and provided to the applicant in a letter, for use in a consideration of a formal application submission.

    At minimum, required application authorization materials, letter of authorization, application fee, a detailed project summary letter, a site plan, project statistics table and any other relevant project drawings must be provided as part of the PAR submission. If the site has special considerations such as buildings on the property that are more than 50 years old, parking, or tree retention, information on these should be provided to ensure staff feedback is given on these aspects.
    For more information on these submission materials, please review the submission requirements section below. The level of detail of the City response will depend on the completeness and detail of submission materials provided by the applicant. Applicants are encouraged to provide as much information as possible. The City may require additional information to complete a PAR review. 


  • How to Submit a formal Application

    Prior to submitting a formal development application, it is recommended that first you complete an initial inquiry or Pre-Application Review.
    These processes would ensure you are applying for the correct application types and would provide you information on the types of information which should be submitted to ensure review of your application can begin as soon as possible. 
    To submit a formal development application at minimum you must provide: required application authorization materials, letter of authorization, application fee, a detailed project summary letter, a comprehensive site plan, project statistics table and any other relevant project drawings. You should considered additional material recommended by Planning Division staff or those materials on the the submission requirements section below.
    Once you have the necessary materials, please send an email to the Planning Division at , with all the materials, requesting a development application intake review. Following receipt, staff will provide you with an estimated timeline for review of the submission materials, coordinate necessary additional materials and take payment for applications. 
    Once the development application intake review is complete, you will be advised of timelines for assignment of a Planning Division file manager. Once a file manager has been assigned, they will reach out to you and you will be provided with a formal letter acknowledging receipt of your application.
  • Application Submission Materials

    The document below outlines both the required application authorization materials and the additional materials which may be required to process your application.
    In order to submit an application, the required application authorization materials, at minimum, are required. It is recommend that the necessary additional materials for review be provided with your application submission. These additional materials are typically required prior to Staff initiating a detailed review of your application and providing them early ensures the ability to start review of the application in a timely manner. The additional materials required will vary based on the type, complexity and specifics of your proposal and guidance on these materials can be provided by Planning Staff through a Development Inquiry or Pre-Application Review. 

    Click here for the Application Submission Materials

  • Timing
    The time required for reviewing and processing an application depends on a number factors including the type, scale and complexity of the project, the number of applications under review by the City, committee meeting schedules, approvals from outside agencies and the ability of the applicant to provide materials and information when required in a timely manner. Where possible, associated applications are processed concurrently; however, some applications may be legally required to be approved before another can be considered.
    An important part of any potential application is the consideration of the associated costs. These may include application fees, professional fees (architects, engineers, etc.), externally legislated charges such as development cost charges and school site acquisition charges, and amenity contributions or bonus density contributions associated with some kinds of developments. More information on some of these charges are provided below: Click here to learn more about the financing growth program and here for more information on application fees. 


  • Zoning Bylaw Amendments Rezoning

    The Zoning Bylaw is a tool used to regulate the type, size and location of uses on a property.
    Every property in New Westminster is assigned a zoning district in the Zoning Bylaw which regulates:
    • Types of land uses or activities that can take place on a property;
    • Maximum density;
    • Maximum building height;
    • Minimum distances separating buildings and property lines;
    • Required off-street parking, bicycle parking, and loading; and
    • Other requirements related to land use.

    When is a Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Rezoning) Required?
    If a proposed development or any other changes on a property do not conform to the requirements specified in the site’s current zoning district, especially the permitted uses and density, a Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Rezoning) may be required. The rezoning process allows the City and the community to analyze the potential influences of a proposed development and ensure it is aligned with City policies. A site’s current zoning can be found through the CityViews interactive mapping system.

    Application Review
    Once you’ve submitted an application, Planning staff will coordinate the application review, which may involve other City departments and committees. The application review process is informed by the scope and complexity of the application and on what other associated applications are also needed. A summary of key components of this process are found below and Planning Staff should be contacted for further information related to specific sites, inquiries and applications. Additional information may be required through this process, and once feedback is received, changes to the application are expected.
    Financing Growth
    As the City grows, new and improved infrastructure and services will be required to support new residents and business resulting from development. Development helps pay for the capital costs generated by growth through a combination of tools. 
    In many cases, applicants choose to offer a Voluntary Amenity Contribution (VAC) or other in-kind amenities as part of their development application to help finance future amenity and infrastructure improvements. 
    For more information on financing tools, visit the Financing Growth webpage.  
    Consultation with neighbours, the community, City committees and stakeholders may be required depending on the scale, impact, scope or complexity of the proposed application. Planning staff can provide further feedback through an inquiry review.

    Reporting to Council
    Typically, reports are provided to Council at the start of an application review and a final report at the conclusion of that review where Council would make a decision on the application. Other reports to Council may be completed as required and when necessary throughout the process.
    A preliminary application report is presented to Council early in the application review process which will advise Council of the application, offer an opportunity for early feedback and confirm the application review process.
    The final report is provided to Council once the application has completed the necessary consultation, review and is ready for Council consideration. This report would summarize the information needed for Council to consider the application for Bylaw readings including a project overview, consultation summary, a summary of public benefits, and identify any terms and conditions. Upon receiving this report, Council may provide any direction, including:
    • Agree to consider the application and forward it for consideration of First and Second readings of the enabling bylaws;
    • Table the application and request more information or reports from staff; or,
    • Decline the application.

    Public Hearing
    If Council agrees to consider the application, they will also make a decision on whether a Public Hearing would be required based on staff recommendation and consultation feedback received to date. Generally, where an application has addressed consultation feedback to date, staff would recommend that a Public Hearing not be held. 
    Zoning Bylaw Amendment Adoption Requirements
    Many Zoning Amendment Applications may have adoption requirements. These are typically technical, legal and administrative requirements and may include: engineering works and services, outstanding payments, and required legal documentation. Once adoptions requirements are finalized, the application would be placed on a Council agenda for consideration of final adoption (Fourth Reading), after which the rezoning process is complete and the application approved.

    Development Information Sign Requirements

  • Development Permits / Special Development Permits

    The Local Government Act or the New Westminster Redevelopment Act can require Development Permits (DP) or Special Development Permits (SDP) to be issued prior to construction within certain areas of New Westminster.
    These permits are tools which can be used to: 
    • Achieve the desired form and character of commercial, industrial, or multi-unit residential development;
    • Revitalize commercial areas;
    • Prevent development from creating hazardous conditions;
    • Protect the natural environment;
    • Promote water and energy conservation; or,
    • Promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
    The Official Community Plan establishes areas for DPs within the city and includes guidelines relevant to that area.
    There is a wide variety of DPs and the review process and application materials required will depend on the scope and complexity of the work proposed. 
    When is a Development Permit Required?
    DPs are required for:
    • new buildings,
    • additions, 
    • changes to the building envelope,
    • changes to landscaping, surface parking lots, and accessory buildings,
    • temporary residential sales centres, and
    • development near environmentally sensitive areas or areas within flood plains.
    DPs are also required for Laneway or Carriage Houses and for flood protection within Queensborough. The application and review processes for these permits are different and more information is available on the Laneway and Carriage House webpage
    If the proposed project requires variances to permitted use, density or other Zoning Bylaw regulations, a Zoning Bylaw Amendment or Development Variance Permit may also be necessary. 

    Application Review
    Once you’ve submitted an application, Planning staff would coordinate the application review, which may involve other City departments and committees. The application review process is informed by the scope and complexity of the application and on what other associated applications are also needed. A summary of key components of this process is below and Planning Staff should be contacted for further information related to specific sites, inquiries and applications. Additional information may be required through this process and, once feedback is received, changes to the application are expected.
    Permit Approval 
    The Director of Climate Action, Planning and Development can approve or reject DP or SDP applications. Following application review, The Director will consider the application for approval. The Director may choose to refer an application to Council for a decision or feedback.  Prior to approval, the Development Permit application process may require the submission of a landscape deposit to ensure that the installed landscaping reflects the approved design.
    Consultation with neighbours, the community, City committees and stakeholders may be required depending on the scale, impact, scope or complexity of the proposed application. Planning staff can provide further feedback through an inquiry review.
    New Westminster Design Panel
    Applications, except residential applications with six units or less, may be asked applicant to the New Westminster Design Panel (NWDP), an architectural and landscape design peer review panel. The NWDP may provide comments and make recommendations, which may require changes to the design.


  • Development Variance Permits

    A Development Variance Permit (DVP) is a tool established through the Local Government Act. It allows Council to vary provisions of the Zoning Bylaw, which regulates land use, and the Sign Bylaw.
    As the bylaws cannot anticipate each development scenario in the City, this tool provides the City with some flexibility to consider different design solutions, where appropriate. 
    A DVP can be used to vary requirements like building height, building setbacks, number of parking or loading spaces, site coverage, sign size, and number of signs. A DVP cannot vary permitted uses or density. In order to change the land use or density that the Zoning Bylaw allows for a property, a Rezoning or a Heritage Revitalization Agreement may be required.
    DVP application which include minor variances are delegated to the Director of Climate Action, Planning and Development for consideration of issuance. Minor variance criteria, evaluation principles and provisions are included in appendices of the Development Approvals Procedure Bylaw. All other DVPs are considered by Council for issuance.
    When is a Development Variance Permit Required?
    A DVP is required when a proposed building, structure or sign does not conform to the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw or the Sign Bylaw, and the property is not also subject to a Rezoning or Heritage Revitalization Agreement process.
    Application Review
    Once you’ve submitted an application, Planning staff will coordinate the application review, which may involve other City departments and committees. The application review process is informed by the scope and complexity of the application and on what other associated applications are also needed. A summary of key components of this process is below and Planning Staff should be contacted for further information related to specific sites, inquiries and applications. Additional information may be required through this process and, once feedback is received, changes to the application are expected.
    Consultation with neighbours, the community, City committees and stakeholders may be required depending on the scale, impact scope or complexity of the proposed application. Planning staff can provide further feedback through an inquiry review.
    Council Consideration
    Once the application has completed the necessary consultation and review, and where required, staff would prepare a report to Council for consideration of the application. This report would summarize the application including a project overview, consultation summary, a summary of public benefits, and identify any terms and conditions.
    • Agree to consider the application;
    • Request more information or reports from staff; or,
    • Decline the application.
    For applications presented to Council, the City may provide a Request for Public Comment. Any person who thinks their interests may be affected by the development application, has the opportunity to express their opinion to Council in writing by email or written submission. 
    After closing of the Request for Public Comment, Council considers the application.
    Board of Variance
    As an alternative to a Development Variance Permit, property owners may be eligible to apply to the Board of Variance. The Board of Variance considers variances which are, in the opinion of the board, both minor and would cause the applicant hardship if they were required to conform to zoning requirements.
    Applicants should contact the Planning Division for more information on the Board of Variance. 
  • Heritage Revitalization Agreements

    A Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) is a formal, voluntary, written agreement that is negotiated between a property owner and the City.
    The agreement allows the City to provide Zoning Bylaw relaxations as incentives which would make it viable for owners to restore and protect properties with heritage merit. 
    An HRA balances these relaxations (e.g., density, land use, parking, height, etc.) with the level of heritage restoration being provided and the heritage value of the property being protected.
    An HRA is enabled through two bylaws that are registered on the title of the property. It is a form of long-term, legal protection which also requires regular maintenance of the heritage property. It can require City approval for changes made to the building in the future. 
    Additional information on heritage protection and development can be found on the Heritage Protection and Development page.  
    When is a Heritage Revitalization Agreement Used?
    If proposed changes to a property do not conform to the Zoning Bylaw requirements and the property has heritage value, an HRA may be used to facilitate the changes and protect the heritage property.
    Application Review
    Once you’ve submitted an application, Planning staff would will coordinate the application review, which may involve other City departments and committees. The application review process is informed by the scope and complexity of the application and on what other associated applications are also needed. A summary of key components of this process is below and Planning Staff should be contacted for further information related to specific sites, inquiries and applications. Additional information may be required through this process and, once feedback is received, changes to the application are expected.
    Financing Growth
    As the City grows, new and improved infrastructure and services will be required to support new residents and business resulting from development. Development helps pay for the capital costs generated by growth through a combination of tools. 
    In many cases, applicants choose to offer a Voluntary Amenity Contribution (VAC) or other in-kind amenities as part of their development application to help finance future amenity and infrastructure improvements. 
    For more information on financing tools, visit the Financing Growth webpage.
    Consultation with neighbours, the community, City committees and stakeholders may be required depending on the scale, impact, scope or complexity of the proposed application. Planning staff can provide further feedback through an inquiry review.
    Community Heritage Commission
    HRAs may be presented by staff to the Community Heritage Commission (CHC), a committee who advises Council on heritage-related matters. The CHC may comment on the heritage significance and the proposed restoration work for staff and applicant consideration. 
    Reporting to Council
    Typically reports are provided to Council at the start of an application review and a final report at the conclusion of that review where Council would make a decision on the application. Other reports to Council may be completed as required and when necessary throughout the process.
    A preliminary application report is presented to Council early in the application review process which will advise Council of the application, offer an opportunity for early feedback and confirm the application review process.
    The final report is provided to Council once the application has completed the necessary consultation and review and it is ready for Council consideration. This report would summarize the information needed for Council to consider the application for Bylaw readings including a project overview, consultation summary, a summary of public benefits, and identify any terms and conditions. Upon receiving this report, Council may provide any direction, including:
    • Agree to consider the application and forward it for consideration of First and Second readings of the enabling bylaws;
    • Table the application and request more information or reports from staff; or,
    • Decline the application.
    Public Hearing
    If Council agrees to consider the application, a Public Hearing may be scheduled.
    HRA Adoption Requirements
    Many HRA applications may have adoption requirements. These are typically technical, legal and administrative requirements and may include: engineering works and services, outstanding payments, and required legal documentation. Once adoptions requirements are finalized, the application would be placed on a Council agenda for consideration of final adoption (Fourth Reading), after which the rezoning process is complete and the application approved.


  • Temporary Use Permits

    A Temporary Use Permit (TUP) is approved by Council and does one or more of the following:
    • Allow, for a limited period of time, a use that is otherwise not permitted on a property;
    • Specify the terms and conditions under which the temporary use may be carried on and set securities to ensure adherence; and,
    • Allow and regulate the construction of buildings or structures in respect of the use for which the permit is approved.
    A TUP has a maximum term of three years and can be renewed once by Council for the same length of time. The site can be used in accordance with the permit until the expiration date. Longer term or permanent use requires applications for rezoning.
    When is a Temporary Use Permit Required?
    If someone wants to use a property in a way, for a limited period of time that is not permitted under the current zoning a Temporary Use Permit may be required. 
    Application Review
    Once you’ve submitted an application, Planning staff would coordinate the application review, which may involve other City departments and committees. The application review process is informed by the scope and complexity of the application and on what other associated applications are also needed. A summary of key components of this process is below and Planning Staff should be contacted for further information related to specific sites, inquiries and applications. Additional information may be required through this process and, once feedback is received, changes to the application are expected.