Contact Us

New Westminster Emergency Management Office

What We Do
Presentation Requests
Contact Us

What We do?

The Office of Emergency Management reports to the the Fire Chief and is responsible for coordinating the City of New Westminster Emergency Management Program . We work closely with staff and the public in operational responses, planning initiatives and promoting emergency planning and educational activities. We respond to emergencies, train EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) staff and make public education presentations. We bring initiatives, issues and identified gaps to the staff and committees to ensure awareness and action as appropriate. This office also maintains and keeps critical areas and equipment such as our EOC for example at a high degree of readiness should we activate any or all of the program.


How do I request a presentation or speaker?
Complete the Presentation Request Form with reference to our course descriptions, and the Emergency Management Office will be in contact with you upon receipt of the form. We will then discuss with you the type of presentation you require in more detail and tailor it to your needs.

How much does it cost?
Presentations are generally provided free of charge; however in some instances a small fee may be requested depending on the type of course and material requested.

Contact Us

General Enquiries: 604-515-3794
Hours of operation are Mon-Fri from 0800-1600

All emails will be answered as soon as possible during regular hours of operation Mon-Fri 0800-1600 hrs

Emergency Support Services Program