Yard Trimmings and Food Scraps Collection
Yard Trimmings and food scraps will be collected weekly, year round. Please refer to the collection schedule for more details.
DO NOT USE PLASTIC OR PLASTIC-LIKE BIODEGRADABLE BAGS. The City must comply with the requirements of our processor. Kraft paper yard bags and newspaper may be used to contain food waste in your yard trimmings and food scraps cart.
Depending on weather conditions, your carts' contents can either freeze in winter or clump together in summer, preventing them from being fully emptied. You may wish to line the bottom of your cart with newspaper and layer yard trimmings with food scraps or newspaper whenever possible.
Visit Metro Vancouver's website and learn more about food scraps disposal.Food scraps can be recycled into valuable compost. Here’s what’s accepted and not accepted in your Yard Trimmings & Food Scraps Cart:
* Recycle at an alternate recycling depot.
** Call animal services.TIP: Kitchen catchers or a plastic container with a lid are handy to temporarily store your food scraps in before emptying into the yard trimmings and food scraps cart. Lining with newspaper or brown paper bags helps make cleaning up easier.
How to Line Your Kitchen Catcher with Newsprint (using your community newspaper)
Extra Green Material
How to dispose of additional yard trimmings that don't fit in your green cart.Curbside pickup of extra green material
Maximum two kraft bags per week.Do you have extra yard trimmings or leaves that don't fit in your green cart?
Once you have filled your green waste cart with yard trimmings and food scraps, residents may additionally put out up to TWO kraft bays of yard trimmings on collection day.
Once your green cart is emptied, collection drivers will manually reload your cart from your additional kraft bags. Please ensure these bags weigh less than 50lbs so they can be easily picked up and emptied.
To ensure the bags do not impede the arms of the collection truck, place bags 1 metre away from your carts, as shown below:
Seasonal Yard Trimmings Collection
NEW FALL 2024 - Leaf it to the City! 4 weeks of extra curbside pickup for all those leaves.Leaf it to us! Between October 21 - November 15, 2024, residents who receive residential curbside collection from the City can put out additional kraft bags (over and above the usual two bag limit) of yard trimmings and leaves as well as branch bundles for curbside pickup on their usual collection day.
The City will be sending out an extra truck during this period to collect the additional kraft bags and bundles, which means collection of these additional items may happen at a different time from when your green waste cart is collected. Please do not contact Engineering Operations until the following day to report any missed collection.
This 4-week enhanced collection program is intended to support residents with the anticipated extra green waste during the fall's heavy leaf and trimming period.
- Bundle branches with twine and stuff kraft paper bags with leaves or yard trimmings. Each bag and bundle must be under 50lbs in weight.
- Place your kraft bags and branch bundles at least 1 metre away from the regular carts so they don't impede the arms on the collection trucks.
- Individual branches in the bundles must be less than 3 inches in diameter and no more than 3 feet in length.
- If the forecast is calling for rain on your collection day, please cover the bags to keep as dry as possible so they don't fall apart when picked up.
NOT accepted:
- Do not place stumps, rocks, sod, or soil in with your yard trimmings bags.
- Do not mix food scraps in with your yard trimmings bags.
- Do not use plastic bags (including those labeled as “biodegradable” or “compostable”).
United Boulevard Recycling and Waste Centre
Dispose of extra yard trimmings and food scraps year-round for free.Outside of the seasonal collection programs for extra yard trimmings, New Westminster residents may dispose of large volumes of yard trimmings or extra food waste for free* at the United Boulevard Recycling and Waste Centre year-round.
Accepted yard materials include grass clippings, leaves, plants and plant cuttings, tree and hedge pruning’s, tree branches (max. diameter of 30 cm and length of 120 cm). Food waste must be separated from yard trimmings for drop-off as these materials are processed separately.
*Free Program Requirements:
- Residential materials only. This program is for yard trimmings and food waste from residential properties within the City of New Westminster only. To ensure free drop-off, deliver green materials in a personal vehicle and have proof of residency, such as a valid driver’s license, or current utility or property tax bill.
- Separate materials. Yard trimmings and food waste must be separated for drop-off as they are processed differently.
- Volume/weight limits. The following limits apply:
- 100 L of food waste per vehicle per day;
- 1,000 kg of green waste per vehicle per day;
- 2,000 kg of green waste per vehicle per calendar year.
Material from businesses or commercial operations (e.g. landscaping, yard maintenance, debris removal, etc.), which will be determined by vehicle type, will not be accepted.