Multi-Family Collection

The City of New Westminster provides multi-family recycling and food scraps collection for most apartments and multi-family dwellings in New Westminster.  Mixed paper, mixed containers, glass and food scrap bins are provided by the City’s services provider, Waste Management.

To report missed collection for multi-family dwellings, or if you have other service or cart related questions, please contact Waste Management directly as follows:

WM Customer Service by phone:

  • call 1-800-774-9748 and follow the prompts:
  • Select option 1 – for english (or option 2 - for spanish)
  • Select option 1 – residential customer
  • Select option 2 – existing customer
  • Select option 4 – other questions
  • provide your building name, address, city and postal code, and the service(s) you are calling about (recycling, glass or food scraps).

WM Customer Service by email:

  • send an email to  and include "Recycling Program" for recycling and/or glass, or "Food Waste Program" for organics, in the subject line.  For a shortcut, click on the applicable link below and insert building address.

Be sure to include details of your concern and the building representative contact name, email, and telephone number. 

Note: Only Caretakers or Building/Strata Representatives should be contacting WM.  Tenants or condo owners are to go through their building manager or strata reps regarding collection or cart concerns.





    What's accepted in the Glass Bin:

    Non-refundable glass bottles and jars, such as jam, sauce, or pickle jars. Containers must be emptied and rinsed with lids separated into the containers cart

    *Refundable glass beverage containers can be returned at any Encorp Return-It Depot for deposit refund. Please visit for bottle depot locations within the city.

    Do not include: 

    Drinking glasses, windows, mirrors, ceramics. These items belong in the garbage. 


  • The City of New Westminster has a food scraps collection program for multi-family (apartment and condo) residents to help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

    Organic waste such as food scraps, plants and flowers, and food soiled paper are now banned from garbage and are accepted in the foods scraps collection bin.  

    It’s estimated that upwards of 30% of multi-residential waste is comprised of organic material.  We need your help to keep this valuable resource from heading to the landfills.  Once collected, the organic waste is taken to a regional composting facility where it is recycled into a nutrient rich soil amendment for plants, gardens and crops.  

    How the Food Scraps Collection Program Works

    • A centralized food scraps bin is provided to each building which is collected weekly by the City's contractor, Waste Management.
    • To get started, each residential unit (apartment or condo) will receive a fridge magnet, brochure and kitchen container with details on what to include and what not to include in your food scraps bin.
    • In order to reduce odours and attractants, a sample Bag to Earth paper bag is provided to line the kitchen container.  You can use newspaper as a more economical option to line the container or wrap your scraps.
    • Including paper products along with your food scraps provides a good carbon source and is beneficial to the composting process.
    • NO plastic bags or plastic style compostable or biodegradable bags are accepted. Paper kraft bags (e.g. Bag to Earth) bags are accepted.
    • How to Line Your Kitchen Catcher with Newsprint (using your community newspaper)

    To ensure success of the program, only put food waste loose, wrapped in newspaper, or in kraft paper bags in the main collection cart.



    The City must comply with the requirements of our processor.


    If you have questions regarding collection, need an additional recycling bin, or need to set up new service, please contact WM Customer Service at 1-800-774-9747 and provide your building address along with the the service(s) you are calling about (recycling and/or food scraps). 

  • Engineering Operations
    T 604-526-4691