If you are applying on behalf of the owner as an "agent" with his/her permission, please enter your full name, phone number, and email address:
This information is collected by the City of New Westminster under 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to administer your electrical account with the City of New Westminster and disclosed to provide access to energy saving initiatives. In accordance with Electrical Utility bylaw 6502, 1998 and sections 258 & 259 of the Community Charter, the City will transfer unpaid electrical invoices to property taxes. As such, the City may disclose certain limited account information of rental properties to landlords/property owners, regarding the status of the tenants account.
Information that can be provided to the Landlord:
- If account is in arrears, account balance including a copy of the bill.
- If account is closed, a copy of the bill may be forwarded to the landlord if requested.
Information that will not be provided to the Landlord:
- “Personal information”, which is recorded information about an identifiable individual, such as name, address, mailing address (if different), phone number, email address and credit card information.
- Business contact information is not considered "personal information”.
If you have any questions about how your personal information is handled, please contact the City of New Westminster at 604-521-3711.