Request for Bids & Proposals - Open

NEW - Coming Summer 2023

bids&tenders E-Bidding System

Throughout 2023, the City of New Westminster procurement process will be transitioning to the e-bidding platform bids&tenders.

During the transition phase procurement opportunities will be posted on either the City’s website or the City’s homepage within bids&tenders. Notices of all opportunities will be posted in parallel on BC Bid. The bid opportunity document will provide specific directions on how and where to submit the response.

For more information, please click here. 

How Do I Access and Download the City's Bid Documents?

IMPORTANT: You must be using Chrome, FireFox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari to be able to access the bid documents.

(Internet Explorer is no longer supported)

Step 1:  From the Bid Opportunities table below, click on the title of the RFP/Tender you are trying to access.  This will take you to the specific project page. 

Step 2:  Check the box next to "I am interested in learning more about this proposal".  A short form will appear for you to complete.

Step 3:  After completing the form and selecting a password, click the Submit button. If you do not see the Submit button, you will need to use a different browser program (i.e. Firefox, Safari) to access the documents. After clicking submit, a list of all downloadable documents for the project will appear.

Most documents posted by the City are in .PDF format.

Step 4:  For subsequent visits to access the documents, you can by-pass the form by entering the password that you have chosen:

- Check the "I am interested..." box

- Check the "I have a password for this proposal" box

- Enter password, and click Submit.


City of New Westminster Bid Opportunities

TitleTender NumberClose Date
Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience PlanNWRFP-25-012025-02-20
One New 11’ Rotary MowerNWIT-25-022025-03-04
Massey Theatre ConsultantNWRFP-25-062025-03-05
Design and Construction of One New Tandem Axle Derrick DiggerNWRFP-25-052025-03-13



Email the City of New Westminster's Purchasing Department:

  • bids&tenders is a leading digital procurement platform that connects buyers and suppliers through an online marketplace across a variety of geographic regions, sectors and industries. The bids&tenders platform streamlines the bid submission process for businesses through an intuitive, electronic user interface.

    How it works:
    Procurement opportunities will be posted on the City’s homepage of bids&tenders e-bidding system, and with notifications on the BC Bid website along with project documents will be downloadable and available for viewing, which allows businesses to easily register, search, and submit responses online. There will be no fees or charges for accessing or downloading the City’s opportunities via bids&tenders.

    Vendors will be required to register for a free bids&tenders account.

    If a vendor already has a bids&tenders account they do not need to register again. The City of New Westminster’s bid opportunities will be visible to all vendors with an account, dependent on the commodity classifications selected by the vendor.

    Please sign up here in preparation for the City’s launch.

    During the account creation, select commodity codes for goods and services and bids&tenders will notify the vendor by email of bid opportunities matching their commodity code selection. This ensures receipt of the latest bid information and updates via email. Competitive bid documents, addenda and award information will be posted on the City’s bids&tenders website and a notice on BCBid.

    Businesses will be solely responsible for ensuring their vendor account information is maintained and accurate.

    Successful bidders will be able to electronically submit certificates of insurance, WorkSafeBC letters and other required documentation, directly through bids&tenders. Documents will reside in bids&tenders database and suppliers will be notified when documents require updating.