OUR CITY 2041: New Westminster's Official Community Plan
The Official Community Plan (OCP) provides a vision, goals, and policies for New Westminster to the year 2041. Together, these elements connect the community’s “big picture” aspiration with the tools needed to achieve it, including specific actions, development permit guidelines, and land use designations. This Plan is implemented by the City in various ways, including through policy initiatives, public programs, civic projects, and bylaws. The implementation also occurs privately through avenues such as development and citizen action groups.
Click here to view the Official Community Plan (Updated April 2023)
Additional Resources and Frequently Requested Materials
Consolidated for Convenience Only (April 2023)
The OCP and its schedules (including the Downtown and Queensborough Plans) available here are a consolidation of the original bylaw and the bylaws listed below. The amendment bylaws have been combined with the original bylaw for convenience only. This consolidation is not a legal document. Original bylaws may be obtained from the Legislative Services Department.