
Receive child care while participating in services at təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre. Children are supervised during unstructured play. 1 month to 5 years.

Childminding Fee: $3.00 / 30 minutes, $48.00 / 10 hours

Join a fitness class, use the aquatic centre, or drop-in to the fitness centre while your little one is cared for. Find drop-in sessions in our brochures:


Schedules are subject to change, please check for updates before you arrive

təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre

Winter 2025 • January 6 - March 31, 2025

Monday & Wednesday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Tuesday & Thursday, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Saturday, 8:15 - 11:15 am

  • Can I register before arriving?
    No, please check in at the front desk to register when you arrive. 

    How do I buy a 10 pass?
    Currently these are only available in-person. Please ask the clerk at the front desk. 

    Where do I drop-off my child?
    Please check in at the front desk. You will be given a check in card and directions for which multipurpose room is being used at that time. 

    Can my child bring a snack?

    Does my child need to be toilet trained?

    Are all ages cared for together?

    Do you go outside?
    Not at this time.