Neighbourhood Study Areas

The OCP has identified a number of areas in the city for further study and planning at the neighbourhood level. More information on those study areas are below.

    Bent Court is envisioned as a mixed use, mixed density area where heritage features and character streetscapes are preserved as part of future redevelopment. The area is designated as a Study Area in the OCP because of this unique context. Conducting a detailed study presents an opportunity to create and explore scenarios that would achieve both aspects of this vision: bringing together old and new.

    As part of our OCP implementation plan, the City will study the area in order to create a Master Plan. The goal for the Plan is to identify heritage and streetscape retention requirements, set a high standard for design, and determine potential development patterns for the area as a whole. Appropriate tools to carry out the Plan may include Heritage Revitalization Agreements or a density transfer program. Other provisions, which would be explored through the study, may include more flexible parking requirements, removing the requirement for commercial space in the area, or the sale of City owned rights of way.

    The Master Plan must be created for the area as a whole. The Plan would need to be completed prior to any rezoning or Heritage Revitalization Agreement for individual or groups of properties.

    While the City anticipates conducting this study and creating the Master Plan, this work has not yet begun, since staff are focused on other Council priority areas. We expect to have further conversations with Council about including this project in a future work plan. However, there is an opportunity to advance the work in the short term — should there be an inclined partner in the development community that has an interest in the majority of the Bent Court properties. In this scenario, the project would be initiated and largely led by a developer. However, the City would be heavily involved in the process, to ensure the opportunities for all property owners are considered, regardless of whether they are represented by that developer group. Additionally, the proposed Plan would need to reflect the City’s policies and objectives. The final Master Plan would be subject to Council approval.

    Once the Study commences, the City would work closely with property owners and community members through a number of consultation opportunities, such as community meetings. Updates will also be posted on this website.

    Any interested partner in the development community should review the Bent Court Master Plan Preliminary Terms of Reference. For further information, please contact the City of New Westminster Planning Division at 604‐527‐4532 or .


    Lower Twelfth and Sharpe Street (LTS) are designated as a Study Area in the OCP because of the unique mix of uses in both areas. In the future, these areas are envisioned to provide a non-traditional mix of uses including ultra-light industrial, residential, retail and service commercial within individual buildings and projects.

    Reaching this vision requires the City to develop a Master Plan, including guidelines and a strategy for appropriately transitioning the mix of uses, location of uses and general expected densities in the area. Further, this Master Plan will explore adaptive reuse of existing heritage buildings and the provision of affordable ‘maker spaces’.

    Once the Study commences, the City would work closely with property owners and community members through a number of consultation opportunities, such as community meetings. While the City anticipates conducting this study and creating the Master Plan this work has not yet begun, since staff are focused on other Council priority areas. We expect to have further conversations with Council about including this project in a future work plan.

    Catalyst Projects 

    Catalyst projects may be considered in advance of the Master Plan if the project meets the objectives of the area. A catalyst project would require an OCP amendment, and would need to:

    1. be consistent with the OCP designation especially as it relates to integrating non-traditional employment generating uses. This means innovative, creative and appropriate integration of non-traditional mixes of use, including ultra-light industrial and service commercial;
    2. act as a catalyst to accelerate other similar development in the LTS area;
    3. assist in establishing foundational analysis and information to guide the City’s future development of a neighbourhood plan and design guidelines for the LTS area;
    4. set a high standard for redevelopment in the LTS area; and,
    5. identify opportunities to meet other key City priorities.

    Other catalyst projects that strongly support other City priorities may also be considered.

    A catalyst project proposal would also need to include exploration of:

    1. the financial feasibility of the proposal given the site context and range of amenities and features to be included, and a market study of the proposed non-traditional mix of uses (including a review of case studies, best practices, and barriers and opportunities for attracting non-traditional employment-generating uses);
    2. the specifics needs of the proposed non-traditional employment generating uses such as loading, parking, floorplate sizes, floor to ceiling height requirements, etc., and
    3. the specific strategies which could be taken to mitigate impacts (noise, light, vibrations, smell, etc.) from non-traditional employment generating uses on residential uses and adjacent properties.

    Projects must be consistent with City policies, such as the Master Transportation Plan, climate emergency initiatives, and various housing and economic development policies.

    Click here for considerations for developing in New Westminster.