
Rail transportation has an important role in our freight and passenger movements throughout the region. New Westminster’s rail network dates back to the late 1800’s when municipalities welcomed rail expansion to ensure they would be connected to the broader network.
All rail activities are regulated by the Railway Safety Act, which is administered by Transport Canada for Federal rail operators and Technical Safety BC for Provincial rail operators. Federal rail operators in New Westminster include Canadian National (CN), Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) and Provincial rail operators include Southern Railway of British Columbia (SRY).
Why are train whistles so loud?
- Train whistles are a necessary safety appliance used to alert motor vehicle operators, pedestrians and wildlife within or approaching the rail corridor. Train whistles must be loud enough to be heard over ambient noise, such as traffic, construction and motor vehicle audio systems.
- The minimum audible volume for a freight locomotive train whistle is 96 decibels measured along an arc of 30 meters radius subtended forward of the locomotive by angles 45 degrees to the left and to the right of the centerline of the track in the direction of travel.
Why do trains blow their whistles?
- Train engineers are required to blow their whistles (whistling) according to the Canadian Rail Operating Rules, rule 14(1). Whistling is required at public grade crossings or if there are emergent circumstances that require whistling to alert people, vehicles, or animals.
- Whistle sounding (“o” for a short sound and ”___” for a longer sound):
- to notify track forces of person, animal, or fire on or near corridor:
sound: o o o o o o
- at public grade crossings, upon approach, and until the crossing is occupied:
sound: ___ ___ o ___
Is it possible to stop train whistling at a public grade rail crossing?
- Transport Canada has developed a process for whistle cessation at public crossings. All steps must be completed, with agreement from rail operators.
Why are whistles still blown at rail crossings that have whistle cessation implemented?
- Regardless of whether a crossing has implemented whistle cessation, train operators are required to blow their whistles if emergent conditions exist, including the requirement to alert people, vehicle operators, or animals in close proximity to rail activities.
How many incidents happen at rail crossings?
- Operation Lifesaver tracks incidents, fatalities, and serious injury statistics at railway crossings. Link: www.operationlifesaver.ca/resources/statistics
Are there guidelines for developing properties near rail corridors?
- The Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Railway Association of Canada have developed a document of guidelines for new development in proximity to railway operations, Link: http://proximityissue.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/2013_05_29_Guidelines_NewDevelopment_E.pdf
Advance-warning beacons are being installed for the Quayside rail crossings to alert approaching traffic of an incoming/passing train.
What do the beacons look like and how do they work?
A utility post with flashing yellow light and accompanying signs. Sensors installed near the rail crossings monitor and predict train movements and send blockage information to the beacons. When the beacon is not flashing, conditions are normal with no train blockage. When the beacon is flashing, a train is either approaching the crossing or has blocked the crossing.
Where are the beacons and what should I do if they're flashing?
The beacons for the Quayside Drive crossing are located at the K de K Court and Quayside Drive intersection, and the base of the Third Avenue overpass near Stewardson Way.
If the beacons are flashing, motorists can choose an alternative route to enter/exit Quayside Drive in order to avoid the train.
The beacons for the Front Street crossing are located on Stewardson Way near Third Avenue and on East Columbia Street near Richmond Street.
If the beacons are flashing, motorists can use Columbia Street to avoid the train.
A single beacon for the Begbie Street crossing is located in the roundabout outside Fraser River Discovery Centre.
If the beacon is flashing, motorists can use the overpasses at McInnes Street or Third Avenue to avoid the train.
what is the purpose of the beacons?
To mitigate congestion and first responder delays at rail crossings, and help drivers make decisions that will improve their commute experience.
When will the beacons be active?
Installation work for the Quayside Dr. and Front St. crossing has been completed, and the beacons are active. For questions, please contact the Engineering Department at 604-527-4592 or engpost@newwestcity.ca.
The beacon for Begbie St. has been installed but activation is TBD.
Federal Railway Regulator – Transport Canada – Surrey, BC
Phone: 604-666-0011
Website: https://tc.canada.ca/en/rail-transportation
Provincial Railway Regulator – Technical Safety BC – Vancouver, BC
Phone: 1-866-566-7233
Online: www.technicalsafetybc.ca/contact/contact-us
Website: www.technicalsafetybc.ca/technologies/railways
A grade crossing is where a road, driveway, or path intersects with a rail track at the same elevation. Grade crossings are inspected and monitored by Transport Canada for federally regulated tracks, and Technical Safety BC for provincially regulated tracks.
Grade Crossing Regulations (GCR) and Grade Crossing Standards (GCS) have been developed by Transport Canada to increase safety at grade crossings, and reduce the incidence of injury, death, and property damage, and reduce environmental impacts. It is the responsibility of both the rail authority (operator) and the road authority (municipality or property owner) to ensure that each grade crossing is maintained and compliant.
The financial responsibilities to maintain and upgrade each crossing is determined by the associated agreement between the rail authority and the road authority. Both the rail authority and the road authority are required to work together to ensure each crossing is GCR/GCS compliant.
GCR/GCS compliance at each crossing is determined by a safety assessment report, which are performed by qualified consultants.
The Railway Technical Committee (RTC) was established by the City of New Westminster to bring together the associated authorities to review railway network safety. The RTC is composed of City of New Westminster staff members, representatives from each of the four rail operators, and a representative from each of the Provincial and Federal railway regulators. Here are the RTC terms of reference.
Scheduled meetings:
- February 28, 2023 – introductions and review of the committee terms of reference. Reviewed train whistling and the City’s desire to implement cessation where possible. Discussed City of New Westminster website updates.
- May 23, 2023 – reviewed grade crossings that require safety upgrades to meet GCR/GCS and whistle cessation compliance. Discussed the TRAINFO advanced traveler information system and its possible benefits for our transportation network.
- August 29, 2023 – reviewed grade crossing inventory tracker, train whistle volumes, planned work along the rail corridors and CNW website updates.
- December 5, 2023 - reviewed crossing and corridor safety concerns, grade crossing inventory tracker, upcoming Front Street closures for the Pattullo Bridge replacement and meeting dates for 2024.
- March 5, 2024 - reviewed rail-related Council updates, safety concerns, current and future rail-related projects, and developing a process to repair damaged fencing at crossings and along corridors.
- June 4, 2024 - reviewed rail-related Council updates, Quayside Drive crossing safety concerns, current and future rail-related projects and recent rail corridor fence repairs.
- August 27, 2024 - reviewed rail-related Council updates, Quayside Drive upgrades, TRAINFO beacons, recent rail corridor fence repairs, Cumberland St crossing detailed design and Braid Street upgrades being considered.
- December 3, 2024 - Q4 meeting
Southern Railway of British Columbia (SRY)
- Phone: 604-521-1966
- Online: www.sryraillink.com/contact
- Website: www.sryraillink.com/
Canadian National Railway (CN)
- Public Inquiry (Mon. to Fri. 8 am to 6 pm Eastern Time):
- Phone: 1-888-888-5909
- Email:
- Online: www.cn.ca/en/contact-us/#
- Website: www.cn.ca/en/
- CN Police / Emergency (24/7):
Canadian Pacific Kansas City Railway (CPKC)
- Phone: 1-800-716-9132
- Online: www.cpr.ca/en/contact-us/general-contact-form
- Website: www.cpkcr.com/en
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF)
- Phone: 1-800-832-5452
- Online: www.bnsf.com/about-bnsf/contact-us-form.page
- Website: www.bnsf.com/
VIA Rail
- Phone: 1-888-842-7245
- Website: www.viarail.ca/en
- Phone: 1-800-872-7245
- Online: www.amtrak.com/contact-us/email.html
- Website: www.amtrak.com/home