Garbage and Recycling


  • Cart Placement for Pick-Up

    Ensure that your carts are placed correctly for pick-up.

    1. Place it
    Carts should be at the curb for pick-up no later than 7:00 am on collection day. Please do not leave your carts out overnight.

    2. Park it
    Place wheels against curb.

    3. Point it
    Make sure arrows on the lids are pointing towards the centre of the street.

    4. Space it
    Leave at least an arm's length between the carts and other objects (e.g. parked cars, fences, telephone poles, etc.) and 3 metres of clearance above for overhangs and tree branches.

    Park the carts at least 1 metre away from any wall/fence. The lift needs at least a 1/2 metre to pick up the cart.

    Carts placed side-by-side, or too close together, may not be collected.

  • Secure Carts from Bears

    Black bears are often seen around Hume Park and nearby neighbourhoods, as these areas border the Brunette River.

    Bears may wander into our neighbourhoods in search of food. Driven by hunger, they can consume up to 20,000 calories a day and have an exceptional sense of smell, allowing them to detect food from over one kilometer away.

    Bears that become habituated to human food are more likely to approach homes, endangering themselves, our pets, and our community. Eliminating food sources is one of the most effective ways to keep unwanted wildlife, including bears, from hanging around your home.


    If you live within a bear area, you can take the following steps to keep bears off your property:

    Keeping bears out of your garbage

    • Secure your garbage and green waste carts on your property until the morning of pick up.
    • Avoid setting out garbage and recycling carts too early on collection day and remove carts as soon as possible the same day.
    • Store garbage, yard & food scraps, and recycling in bear-resistant carts/bins or store all carts/bins in a bear-resistant enclosure on the property. A bear-resistant enclosure is a fully enclosed structure of sufficient strength and design to prevent access by bears, like garages, sheds, fenced structures and enclosures.
    • Rinse all materials fully before placing in collection carts/bins. This includes scented items like shampoo bottles and deodorant.
    • Freeze smelly foods and place them in your yard and food scraps cart on collection day.


    Additional tips for bear-proofing your home

    • Compost correctly and avoid placing any potential attractants in your backyard composter.
    • Pick ripe fruits and clean up any fallen fruits from your yard.
    • Clean and empty the drip tray on your barbeque after each use.
    • Remove bird feeders or suspend them on a cable.
    • Feed pets and store pet food indoors.
    • Do not actively put out feed for wildlife.



    If you encounter potentially dangerous wildlife, such as bears or coyotes, in a residential area, call the BC Conservation Officer Service’s Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) 24-hour hotline (toll free number 1-877-952-7277) or report it online.

    Thank you for doing your part in maintaining a healthy, bear-friendly community!

  • What if my carts weren't collected?

    Please leave your carts out until the end of collection day (7:00 pm) BEFORE reporting a missed or tagged collection cart. 

    There is no guarantee your carts will be collected if you contact us more than 48 hours after your regularly scheduled collection day.

    To report a missed collection for residential houses, please fill out the online form here.  For multi-family collection, please click here

    Why were my bins tagged?

    If you have questions about why you received a tag or what are acceptable materials for your cart, please contact Engineering Operations at 604-526-4691.

  • Require a different cart size? Click here to upsize or downsize your cart.

    Is your cart damaged? Click here to request a repair or replacement.

    Is your new build ready for occupancy? Click here for cart delivery.


  • Engineering Operations
    T 604-526-4691