
The movement of goods and services within the City of New Westminster and throughout the surrounding region is essential for the success of the local and regional economy. While New Westminster’s central geographic position and proximity to regional routes and gateways provides strategic advantages, it also means that the city accommodates significant truck and rail traffic which bring with them noise, air pollution, safety concerns, and increased congestion and delays. The City aims to mitigate these negative impacts to ensure comfortable livability and long-term health and wellness for its community.

Street and Traffic Bylaw Changes

To remain consistent with provincial regulations related to commercial vehicle enforcement and permitting, the new Street and Traffic Bylaw adopted various sections of the Motor Vehicle Act, Transportation Act and Commercial Transport Act. Weight restrictions for commercial vehicles have been changed to be consistent with other neighbouring municipalities including Surrey, Delta, and Vancouver. These changes include an overweight vehicle being considered any vehicle that has a gross vehicle weight (GVW) over 11,800 kg from the existing 13,600 kg GVW. Vehicles having a GVW over 5,500 kg are not permitted to park on city streets for over two hours without a Street Occupancy Permit. This has increased from the existing GVW of 4,600 kg.

Any vehicle considered oversize/overweight requires a permit to operate in the City of New Westminster. An overview of oversize/overweight permit requirements can be found below:

  Old New
Maximum Weight 13,600kg 11,800kg
Maximum Height 4.6m 4.15m
Maximum Width 3.0m 2.6m
Maximum Length 21.3m 27.5m


Oversize and overweight truck permits are required for oversized vehicles traveling within or through the City of New Westminster.

 Dimension Maximum allowable without a permit Maximum allowable with an annual permit Heavy truck single trip permits
width 2.6m 3.2m 3.8m
length varies* 27.5m varies*
height 4.15m 4.3m 4.3m

Permits can be granted for a single trip or for one year depending on eligibility.

*As per Provincial Regulations on single and combination vehicles.


Single-trip permits must be obtained at least 5 business days in advance of your trip. For excessively large loads, more time may be required.

Annual permits & renewals also require at least 5 business days for processing.

All permits applications require a copy of the Provincial Permit.

Approved permits must be carried in the vehicle when driving on city streets so it can be shown to a police officer for inspection if requested.

Other permits required

Approvals may be required from utility companies or any other city department with infrastructure that can be affected by the large load.

Note that where traffic control is needed for the load to proceed safely, it must be performed by an authorized person (i.e., a Peace Officer or a certified traffic control person) and a Street Occupancy Permit must be acquired.

Reserving parking meter spaces by obtaining a Street Occupancy Permit may be required in order to clear other vehicles from the road for particularly large load.

Vehicles exceeding bylaw limits must obtain an Oversize/Overweight Truck Permit before travelling in New Westminster. 

Please complete the online application form and submit to:   We will contact you with payment options.

Fees & Payment

Permit Type Fee
Single Trip $85.00 per vehicle
One Year $284.00 per vehicle
Duplicate Permit $29.00 each


Truck Routes

Trucks travelling within the City of New Westminster are required to follow Federal, Provincial and municipal government regulation. Vehicles with a gross weight greater than 11,800 kg must travel on a designated truck route and during designated times as set out in the City's Street and Traffic Bylaw No. 7664, 2015.

Local deliveries to a destination not on a truck route must be made via the closest and most direct route between the destination and closest truck route. Other deviations from truck routes must be approved by the City of New Westminster’s Engineering Department.

Truck Routes Map

Open Data


For additional permits, approvals or information please contact Engineering Services at 604-527-4592 or email