Sport Fields, Courts and Track Request Form

All organized sports require a valid permit issued by the Parks and Recreation department. To apply for a permit, please complete the form below.

Application Intake
For consistent, weekly use of a field, court, or track, submit your application by the deadlines below. Space is allocated biannually. Missing these dates may limit your booking opportunities.
Special Bookings
Applications for tournaments or one-time events may be submitted outside of the seasonal deadlines.

Space allocation seasons Space rental application intake
Spring/summer (April to August) January 15 - 29
Fall/winter (September to March) June 15 - 29

Priority Use Criteria
Due to high demand, previous bookings do not guarantee future reservations or the same time and field allocations. Space is allocated based on the City’s Facility Allocation Policy (PDF) with the following priorities:

  1. Department programs, events, and services
  2. City programs, events, and services
  3. City/Department events in partnership with user groups
  4. Youth groups, non-profits, and School District #40
  5. Returning users
  6. New user groups
  7. Commercial groups

Additional Considerations
New Westminster-based groups (60% local membership) have priority. Priority may also be given to groups historically disadvantaged by gender, ability, financial status, or age, as well as emerging user groups.

Proof of insurance is required once space is allocated. Starting June 1, 2024, the City will offer insurance add-on options.

For more information, call 604.527.4567 or email .


If you are receiving email updates about sports field requests and no longer wish to, please enter your email address here and click "Submit" to unsubscribe.
Please use Chrome as your browser when using this form.

Requester Details

Returning group
Type of booking
Number of attendees
Organization type
Age group
Proof of Location
Please note: Maximum file size is 96 MB.
Insurance requirements
Proof of Insurance
Please note: Maximum file size is 96 MB.

Organization Contact Information

Main Contact

Second Contact

Request Details

Multiple locations

Field(s) Preferred

  • Grimston Park

  • Hume Park

  • Mercer Stadium

  • Moody Park

  • Old Schoolhouse Park

  • Queen's Park

  • Queensborough Middle School

  • Ryall Park

  • Sapperton Park

  • Simcoe Park

  • Terry Hughes Park

This information is collected by the City of New Westminster under Section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to process and manage your request. Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information please contact the FOI and Privacy Coordinator, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, V3L 1H9, 604-527-5411 or .