Climate Emergency

Climate change is a global phenomenon that has significant local impacts including extreme weather conditions, intense droughts, heat waves, severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, storms, and declining biodiversity.

In 2019, Council declared a climate emergency and committed to taking bold action to achieve the greenhouse gas reductions required to keep global temperature increases below 1.5°C. Council went further through the development of the Seven Bold Steps for Climate Action with the goal of moving New Westminster towards a zero carbon future by 2050.

Since this declaration the City has taken significant strides to prioritize Climate Action as a driving motivation for strategic planning and budgeting. To achieve these targets we must also involve the entire community, ensuring special consideration is given to those most vulnerable. At the same time, we must continue to protect our ecosystem and urban forest while preparing for the unavoidable impacts that climate change brings.

  • Car Light Community

    Accelerate the Master Transportation Plan targets for mode split: 60% of all trips within the City will be by sustainable modes of transportation (walk, transit, bike, multi-occupant shared) by 2030.
  • Carbon Free Homes and Buildings

    Community carbon emissions for all homes and buildings will be reduced significantly. By 2030, all new and replacement heating and hot water systems will be zero emissions.
  • Pollution Free Vehicles

    By 2030, 50% of kilometres driven by New Westminster registered vehicle owners will be by zero emissions vehicles.
  • Carbon Free Energy

    The City of New Westminster will invest in a smart electrical grid in order to accommodate the required rapid conversion to building and vehicle electrification.
  • Robust Urban Forest

    New Westminster’s Urban Forest Canopy cover will be increased to 27% by 2030 to support the removal of 4,050 tonnes of carbon pollution every year and increase our forest’s carbon storage capacity by 50%.
  • Quality People-Centred Public Realm

    A minimum of 10% of today’s street space that currently only serves motor vehicles, excluding transit, will be reallocated for sustainable transportation or public gathering by 2030. The natural environment will be integrated with the public realm.