Watch a Council Meeting

There are two different ways to watch a Council meeting:

  • Option 1: Attend in-person
    Council meetings and Public Hearings are primarily held at City Hall. Please confirm the meeting details in the Council calendar.
  • Option 2: Watch online
    There are two ways to view Council meetings online:
    • Livestream the meeting
    • Join the Zoom webinar
      • Note: This format is more interactive and allows people to address Council when there is an opportunity to speak at a Public Hearing, or when they are registered to speak at a Council meeting. Click here for instructions on how to register to speak.
      • To follow along with the meeting agenda, you'll need to open the agenda in separate window. 
      • If you speak to Council through the Zoom webinar, only your voice will be heard – your face will not be shown.
      • Watching through Zoom provides a clearer picture.
      • Zoom requires you to input your name and an email address to watch. Your name will not be displayed to the public
      • You will be able to see and hear the Council meeting, but you will not be able to speak until and unless it is your turn to speak.
      • If you are using a smartphone or tablet, please make sure you have downloaded the Zoom Cloud Meetings app from the App or Google Play store.
      • Click on the button below to join the Zoom meeting.