Small Scale Multi Unit Housing

Many properties in New Westminster's residential neighbourhoods are already in compliance with the Province's requirements and an expansion to the City's infill program is coming soon.


Most residential neighbourhood properties in New Westminster permit a single detached dwelling unit (house) and two additional housing units – an accessory dwelling unit (laneway or carriage house) and a secondary suite. As such, the zoning is not considered “restricted” under the new Provincial legislation and the City is not required to make wide-spread zoning changes at this time.

However, new opportunities for these properties are coming! In alignment with Council’s Strategic Priorities Plan, the City has launched an expanded infill housing program, which will include consultation with our community. The infill program hopes to create diverse housing options in all neighbourhoods of New Westminster which further supports the City’s and the Province’s housing goals. For more information on the proposed infill program, see the program's website or staff’s work plan report.


Generally, properties in Queensborough that are zoned for a house are not permitted the number or types of units outlined by the Province in its new legislation. This is because further study is needed to understand the impact of that change on the area’s infrastructure system(s) like water and sewer, which has been specifically constructed based on the previously planned density and in consideration of the area’s geotechnical conditions. As such, the City has applied to the Province for an extension to its deadline for compliance in this neighbourhood.


There are roughly 160 duplex properties in New Westminster whose zoning was required to be changed to be in compliance with Provincial Bill 44 (Small Scale Multi-unit Housing). Under previous City regulations, these duplex properties were considered “restricted zone” properties and were not permitted to include secondary suites.

In July 2024, Council adopted Bylaw No. 8453, 2024 which rezones “restricted zone” properties to a new (RD-1) zoning district, which permits duplex properties to add rental secondary suites and provides updated parking requirements for those additional units. The new regulations permit three parking spaces per site. Laneway or carriage houses continue not to be permitted. To see the Zoning Amendment Bylaw and map of the properties that have changed, see Bylaw No.8453, 2024.

Note that duplex properties within a transit oriented area are not included, as higher-density development is expected on those sites.

Click here for more information on secondary suites in New Westminster. Adding or legalizing a secondary suite requires a Building Permit. To inquire about constructing a new duplex, please contact the Planning Division.