Development Updates

New Provincial Housing Legislation

Update – May 2024

In an effort to address the ongoing housing crisis, the Province has made a number of significant changes to the legislation under which local governments operate. Council's Strategic Priorities Plan has shared the same goal of creating more housing for everyone in our community. The City is implementing these changes along with our own programs towards more and better housing for all. 

A ‘New Provincial Housing Legislation’ webpage has been established which will be updated on a regular basis as new information is available. A Guide to Transit Oriented Development Areas in New Westminster is a resource to assist property owners and developers understand how the new legislation applies in the city. The Interim Development Review Framework, which was endorsed by Council, will be applied to all development applications until such time as fully realized regulations and policies are put into place. 

Proposed updates to relevant bylaws can be found in the report to Council dated May 27th, 2024.

Click here to visit the New Provincial Housing Legislation Page.

New Unit Additions

On February 5, 2024, City Council adopted the Policy for the Review of New Unit Additions in Existing Rental Buildings. The intent of this policy is to guide the evaluation of development applications which propose to add new units to existing rental buildings. The policy’s purpose is to provide staff and applicants with a framework to ensure retention and revitalization of existing rental units is balanced with the provisions of new ones.

Planning Review Checklist
A new checklist has been developed to help ensure you have the necessary documents prepped and ready for your application.

Development Cost Charges (DCC)

The DCC charges have been updated as of August 2022. For more information and to check out the new rates, visit Timing and Cost section in the Making a Development Application page

The City is proposing an Inflationary DCC Minor Update in 2024. Please click here to learn more.

Delegation of Development Variance Permits (DVP's)
In summer 2022, Council approved that most minor, stand-alone DVP applications be delegated to the Director of Climate Action Planning and Development.  For more details and to review the Council report, click here.

Projects on the Go

To learn about development applications currently under review, but not undergoing City consultation at this time, please view the List of Private Development Projects.


Please contact the Planning Division at 604-527-4532 or if you have questions.