Healthy Community

Healthier Community Partnership

The Healthier Community Partnership Committee is a health promotion initiative to encourage the community to EAT WELL, BE ACTIVE, AND LIVE TOBACCO-FREE.  It is a three-way partnership between the City of New Westminster, Fraser Health, and School District No. 40 and looks at the preventable risk factors of chronic disease - specifically nutrition, physical activity, tobacco and the built environment (how neighbourhood design affects our health). The focus is on education, programming and policy recommendations to ensure lasting behaviour change and better health for all.

  • Health is Everyone’s Business

    Workplace wellness can be good for your bottom line.

    Workplace wellness can be good for your bottom line. Businesses that have implemented programs have experienced a 20% decrease in short-term disability and a 27% reduction in absenteeism. Such programs don’t have to be expensive and the benefits can add up overtime, which can provide your business with a competitive advantage. In fact, WellnessFits, which is a free, comprehensive workplace wellness program, offers resources and supports to create healthy workplaces.

    Download the Health is Everyone’s Business Brochure

    For more information about WellnessFits, go to or contact Elisa Murru, WellnessFits Coordinator, at 604-675-7344.

  • Enhanced Smoking Bylaw

    Public smoking bans are often cited as motivators to quit smoking and are an integral part of a healthier community.

    Smoking bylaws in New Westminster have been increased to protect citizens from second-hand smoke; decrease negative role modelling for children; reduce cigarette butt litter; protect children and pets from accidental cigarette butt ingestion; encourage fire prevention and overall make New Westminster a healthier community.


    Smoking Control Bylaw Brochure

    BC Smoking Cessation Program
    BC Lung Foundation No Smoking Signage
    New Westminster No Smoking Sign for Print

  • Healthy Built Environments

    The built environment, through its design and use, can positively or negatively impact health and safety.

    The built environment refers to ‘people-made’ characteristics such as buildings, parks, schools, transportation systems and other infrastructure that are used on a daily basis. The built environment, through its design and use, can positively or negatively impact health and safety.

    A built environment lens or set of questions (see below link) can be applied to any planning and development process. It can help initiate discussion, focus dialogue and facilitate further inquiry. It can also maximize consultation, as time is not spent formulating questions but rather exploring the relationship between the built environment and health and providing informed input to enhance health outcomes.

    For more information about the lens, contact John Stark, Senior Social Planner, City of New Westminster, at or Alex Kwan, Environmental Health Officer, Fraser Health, at .

    Learn more about the Healthy Built Environment Lens

  • Biking

    Check out the following websites to learn more about rentals and biking events
  • My Health, My Community Survey

    The My Health My Community survey gathered information about issues that influence our health, such as transportation, community services, green spaces, and sense of community.

    For example, do your kids have a safe place to play?  Do you have access to fruits and vegetables?  Is there too much traffic on your street? This information will be used to inform policy and programs to help make New Westminster a healthier community.

    The results are now available. To view the community profiles, including for New Westminster, please visit: