The City of New Westminster allows residents to pre-pay their Property Taxes and Annual Utilities or Annual Utilities only automatically through monthly pre-authorized withdrawals from their bank account for the next year. Property Tax and Annual Utility Pre-Authorized Pre-Payment (PAPP) plan is available to all types of properties.
IMPORTANT: It is the resident’s responsibility to pay the final balance and apply for the Home Owner Grant by the due date each year in order to avoid late penalty charges.
- Ten equal pre-authorized withdrawals will occur between Aug 01 to May 01 (Property Taxes and Annual Utilities) or May 01 to Feb 01 (Annual Utilities only). Withdrawals will be processed on the first day of each calendar month. Withdrawal amounts will first be applied to outstanding Property Taxes or Utilities before being considered a prepayment.
- The monthly withdrawal amount is recalculated annually by estimating next year’s Property Taxes and Annual Utilities and taking into account the Home Owner Grant, if applicable. You will receive a notification prior to the first withdrawal. The withdrawal amount will be automatically recalculated by the City every year.
- Simple interest is processed below principal banker of the Province of BC prime rate from the date of withdrawal.
- Residents must notify the City 10 days prior to the next withdrawal for any changes to the PAPP.
- PAPP withdrawals may be cancelled with 10 days written notice.
- There are no refunds available on the pre-authorized pre-payment plan.
- A service charge will be applied to your account for dishonored payments.
- Two consecutive dishonored payments will result in cancellation of the PAPP plan.
- The current year’s taxes must be paid in full in order to be eligible to apply.
- If a credit balance exists on an account on the tax due date, the credit will automatically be applied to reduce next year’s monthly withdrawal amount.