Short Term Rentals

The Provincial government has introduced legislation to regulate short-term rentals with the goal of returning them to the long-term rental market in order to assist with increasing housing supply and affordability.

While the new provincial rules took effect May 1, 2024, at this time the City of New Westminster is not adjusting its approach and will continue to not permit short-term rentals unless the operator has a valid Bed & Breakfast business license.

Getting a B&B License In New West

  • You must have a business license to operate as a Bed & Breakfast (B&B) should you wish to rent out space in your home for short term accommodation. A B&B is defined as a home based business (i.e. the operator of the B&B must live onsite) providing temporary sleeping accommodations on not less than a daily basis, and including the provision of a daily breakfast.
  • The following Zoning Bylaw provisions (section 190.28) must also be met:
    1. may not accommodate more than four guests except one additional guest for every 500 square feet (46.5 square metres) of floor space over 2,000 square feet (186 square metres), to a maximum of 10 guests;
    2. may occupy one off-street parking or one on-street parking space per B&B bedroom, provided that not more than two spaces per every three B&B bedrooms are occupied;
    3. if the house contains a secondary suite, the B&B may be operated in either the principal residence or the secondary suite, but not both; and
    4. is not permitted in a detached accessory dwelling unit or any other detached accessory building (e.g. laneway house)
    5. every operator must first receive permission from the landlord or strata corporation in order to operate.
  • Business Licence fees
    • Application fee (non-refundable): $56.00
    • Annual fee: $203.00 (2024)
  • Inspection by Building, Plumbing, Fire and Business Licensing staff is required.
  • Business License Application (Home-Based)

Complaints About Illegal Short Term Rentals?

The City works to ensure all short-term rental operators comply with rules and regulations. Operators in contravention may face fines of $200-400 per day, per offence, and significantly higher amounts if compliance efforts require escalation. After May 1, illegal operation may result in increased enforcement by the Province.

If you believe a property is being improperly used as a short-term rental, you may submit a complaint to Bylaw Enforcement at 604-527-4657 or

  • Business License Office
    T 604-527-4565