Smoking and vaping of cannabis, tobacco and other products are controlled by Smoking Control Bylaw No. 6263, 1995. This bylaw prohibits smoking and vaping in the following locations:

  1. On outdoor patios of businesses serving refreshments of food to the public;

  2. Within 7.5 metres of any opening into a building including any door, window that opens or any air intake; and

  3. Within 15 metres of an outdoor sports field, skate park, playground, lacrosse box, lawn bowling green, stadium, picnic area, water park, wading pool, swimming pool or off-leash dog area within a City park.

Stratas and landlords have the ability to prohibit the consumption of cannabis. For further information, refer to the Strata Property Act, the British Columbia Cannabis Webpage, or consult your landlord or strata representative.  

  • Business License Office
    T 604-527-4565