Current Pop-Up Vending Locations

2024 Street Vending Locations

For food trucks who have an annual City of New Westminster business licence, pop-up street vending is permitted. However, there are guidelines related to hours, proximity to restaurants, disposal of waste, and operating self-contained that must be followed. Please see the Food Truck Guide for specifics.

Please note, due to construction or changes in parking regulations, some locations have become unavailable since the Food Truck Guide was written.  

Current (2024) pop-up locations are as follows: 




  • Columbia Street
  • Front Street – The Mews
  • Carnarvon Street - unavailable to due construction 


  • Ewen Avenue, between Jardine Street and Hampton Street
  • Ryall Park – on Salter Street (one parking space by the picnic area)



  • East Columbia Street, between Sherbrooke Street and Braid Street
  • East Columbia Street, between Keary Street and Hospital Street - unavailable due to construction 

West End & Moody Park

  • Twelfth Street between Sixth Avenue and Tenth Avenue
  • Tenth Street between Hamilton Street and Kingston Street (one parking space by the baseball diamond)


  • Sixth Street between Fourth Ave and Sixth Ave
  • Belmont Street (in parking stalls - not the Uptown Plaza)

Tipperary Park

  • Parking lot on Fourth Street

1319 Third Ave

  • One parking space outside of Steel & Oak Brewing Co. – please check-in with Steel & Oak for using this space

Upper Hume Park

  • One parking space at the corner of Hume Lane and Kelly Street

təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre


  • One parking space available. Reservations must be made for this space. Please email to request a booking.


  • Business License Office
    T 604-527-4565