Sapperton Great Streets - RCH Redevelopment

Mid-May 2024 through February 2025

Project Update:

Beginning August 21st, construction activities will be underway on the East side of E Columbia Street, starting at Keary Street and working towards Sherbrooke Street.
Single Lane Alternating Traffic will be in effect Monday - Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm and some Saturdays 9:00am to 6:00pm.
This is anticipated to be in effect for 3 months (weather dependent).

Project details:

The Royal Columbian Hospital redevelopment project aims to implement several aspects of the Columbia Street Great Street vision. The drawings below show how road space has been reallocated to widen sidewalks, enhancing the pedestrian corridor. Additionally, they feature separated bike lanes, improved bus stops, new trees, street lighting and landscaping. There are also intersection and signal improvements for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles at East Columbia and Keary Street, Hospital Street, and Sherbrooke Street.

Sherbrooke Street improvements have also reallocated road space to widen sidewalks, enhancing the pedestrian corridor. Additionally, the Central Valley Greenway connections are enhanced with separated bike lanes, new trees, street lighting and landscaping. There are also intersection improvements for traffic calming, pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles along Sherbrooke Street at Kelly Street, Fader Street and the local lanes.

East Columbia Plan View:

East Columbia Typical Sections:

Sherbrooke Street Plan View:

Sherbrooke Street Typical Section:

Overview of East Columbia Street Work Location:

Construction hours are Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 8:00 pm (except holidays) and Saturday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. 

For any questions or concerns, please contact  or 604-418-5326.

Learn more about this project on the Fraser Health website.