Registration Tips
Preparation for registration can take some planning. Here are our top tips to reduce stress and make your registration a success!
- View the Active Living Guide and make a list of the course codes for your preferred programs (both primary and back-up) so you can find them quickly using the search function. Consider times that might not have as high demand (e.g. Saturday mornings are very competitive).
- Ensure any age prerequisites have been met.
- Check participants Activity Outcomes meet the requirements for their level.
- Ensure all members of your household are on your family account well in advance of the program registration start date. Check that dates of birth, address, phone, and payment info is accurate and up to date. Call or visit a facility if you need assistance.
- If registering online, plan to use a laptop or desktop computer with high speed internet access.
- Have your payment option ready.
- Sign up for waitlists. Waitlists help staff determine what classes have high demand. Often we are able to create additional classes to fulfill the needs of waitlists. Don’t skip them!
- Team up! If you have many courses to register for, ask a friend to help you register and divide your list.