Parking Enforcement Methods

Street use enforcement and parking officers monitor and enforce sections with the Street and Traffic Bylaw

Officers respond to Calls for Service from the public through multiple reporting streams.

Officers monitor street use and parking through a variety of methods, some of which include, electronic parking reports, Licence Plate Recognition (LPR), and conventional foot patrols. 

License Plate Recognition System (LPR)

What is LPR?

The LPR is a license plate recognition application whereby vehicles observed by cameras taking pictures, have their license plates read, recorded and checked against a pre-loaded data base using pattern recognition software. Peace officers will review and assess all information, correcting for system errors, and controlling the issuing of violation notices. The system is located in either marked City vehicles, which have four (4) cameras mounted on the vehicle, two facing forward and one to each side. The system is run on a laptop mounted in the patrol vehicle with communication using encrypted cellular technology with the City network in real time, or as a static camera at the entrance to the parkade.

Mobile Version

The Parking Services branch runs two vehicles equipped with LPR camera. These vehicles are linked in real time with the City’s system which allows them to automatically verify payment at digital meters, verify the validity of residential permits, and receive notifications of police stolen vehicle lists. The system indicates if a vehicle is in violation and the Bylaw officer confirms the details, and issues the ticket. When a ticket is issued the information is transferred into the City’s Tempest Ticketing application.

Data collected by the LPR system

The data collected by the LPR system is deleted 72 hours after collection unless transferred to the City’s ticketing systems because an offense has been committed.

Reporting Options

To report a street use or parking offence, please submit details through one of the following options:

  1. Call Parking Services, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm at 604-519-2010
  2. Email
  3. Submit a ticket through SeeClickFix


  • Parking Services Office
    M-F: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
    T 604-519-2010