Press Releases
June 21, 2011
Posted On:
June 22, 2011

City pairs with local dance studio to help people find their groove this summer.

New Westminster, BC – The City of New Westminster is pleased to announce that it has partnered with local dance studio, The Dance With Me Studio, to teach the city some dance moves—free of charge. Dance sessions will be happening every Friday night in Hyack Square, from July 8 to August 26, so come dance the summer away!

Every week, participants will get the chance to learn a new kind of dance, taught by professional instructors specializing in Salsa, Broadway, Zumba, Latin, and even Egyptian Belly dancing. The lessons will take place from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm and will be followed by a chance to put new moves to the test until 9:00 pm.

“We are excited to see everyone come out and let loose,” said Greg Magirescu, manager of Arts and Cultural Development. “We have a line-up of amazing instructors and encourage everyone in the city, even those who think they have two left feet, to come out and see what they’re made of!”

Sessions will be held outdoors in Hyack Square, weather permitting. Please visit for updates.


Contact: Greg Magirescu, Arts & Cultural Development Manager
604-527-4530 or