Press Releases
November 19, 2013
Posted On:
November 21, 2013

City of New Westminster’s Energy Save New West announces Community Energy Challenge

New Westminster, BC – The City of New Westminster is pleased to announce the launch of the Community Energy Challenge as part of the Energy Save New West program. Up for grabs is the grand prize of $3,500 worth of Energy Star® appliances, as well as ten secondary prizes of $150 VISA gift certificates.

“This community-based energy-efficiency program is designed to inspire New Westminster residents to maximize their energy saving opportunities through the installation of one or more home upgrades,” said Ryan Coleman, Project Coordinator for Energy Save New West.  “Whether you’re installing a high-efficiency furnace or attic and basement insulation, we want to capture and reward City of New Westminster residents for undertaking energy saving activities.”

New Westminster homeowners can qualify for the prize draw by completing three easy steps.  The first step is to register online for Energy Save New West.  The next step is to complete an Energy Assessment by a Certified Energy Advisor to understand the energy-saving opportunities in your home.  The final step is to complete one or more home upgrades before March 31, 2014 to be automatically entered into the Community Energy Challenge prize draw. Residents who complete two or more of the recommended energy efficiency improvements qualify for the grand prize of $3,500 worth of Energy Star® appliances. Those who complete 1 or more recommended improvements qualify for secondary prizes of $150 VISA gift certificates. The 125 homes already registered with Energy Save New West prior to launching the Community Energy Challenge are still eligible to participate in the contest.

"I'm grateful to be connected to energy experts who help me understand and navigate what retrofits make sense for our home," said Brennan Anstey, who has already fixed air leaks, installed a high efficiency condensing furnace, an Energy Star® tankless water heater, and upgraded windows since getting his assessment in August. His wife Anita is also a fan of the retrofits: "They have made our house much more comfortable and have lowered our monthly utility bills.”

The contest closes March 31st, 2013 and winners will be announced in April, 2014. To sign up for Energy Save New West and participate in the Community Energy Challenge, you can register online at or call 604-515-3818. Right now, New Westminster residents can receive an Energy Assessment through Energy Save West for only $60 (a $240 savings to the homeowner). 

Energy Save New West is a joint program of the City of New Westminster in partnership with BC Hydro and FortisBC.



Contact:              Ryan Coleman

                           Project Coordinator, Energy Save New West

                           604-565-5952 or