Press Releases
Shine Bright New West wins multiple event awards for visionary leadership and excellence
Posted On:
November 21, 2022

New Westminster, B.C. – The City of New Westminster is proud to announce the annual Shine Bright New West event won its third award last month: the Cultural Event Award from Creative City Network of Canada (CCNC), which recognizes visionary leadership in producing exceptional cultural events. Previously awarded honours include the Special Events Programming Excellence Award from the Business Improvement Areas of BC, awarded to the Downtown BIA in May 2021 for their Shine Bright Downtown lighting installation experience, and the Festivals and Events Excellence Award from British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association, awarded to the City in May 2022.

CCNC’s awards jury commended the City’s “utilization of a challenging period for events during the pandemic to adjust how events are structured and for adopting lessons learned from these adjustments to events in the future,” as per their press release on Oct. 13, 2022.

“I’m glad to see City staff being recognized for their great work during difficult times, and to see them sharing this recognition with community partners. Shine Bright New West brought the community together and lifted spirits when residents and small businesses needed the boost. I hope this recognition encourages further collaboration and increased interest in events that bring vibrancy and cultural diversity to our city,” said Mayor Patrick Johnstone.

The third annual Shine Bright New West, which runs Dec. 1, 2022 to Jan. 31, 2023, features holiday light displays, free events, creative activities, and a variety of stage productions. This year’s highlights include nature art in the form of illuminated creatures that will appear in parks across the city, a Winter Solstice themed art exhibition at the Queen’s Park Gallery, and a variety of markets selling holiday and seasonal gifts and goodies.

“We’re excited to make this year’s Shine Bright even bigger and brighter than previous years, and we encourage everyone in the community to participate by putting up their own holiday lights,” said Lisa Kemp, Program Coordinator.

Shine Bright New West 2022/23 presenting sponsors are Downtown New West BIA and The Record. Community sponsors are: Arts Council of New Westminster; Fraser River Discover Centre; Queensborough Special Programs Committee; Motion Picture Community Initiative; New West Family Place; New West Farmers Market Association; Tourism New Westminster; Uptown Business Association; Uptown Swing Collective; and Vagabond Players.

For a full list of activities and experiences, visit the event website at

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Media Contacts:

Renee Chadwick
Manager, Special Projects and Community Partnerships
City of New Westminster
604.636.4347 |