Parks and Recreation News Feed
Drinking Fountains are a Sand-Free Zone

As the heat of summer continues, drinking fountains become essential, offering much-needed refreshment to quench thirst. Recently, many park fountains have been repeatedly found to be clogged with sand and sticks and used for purposes other than drinking.

It is crucial to keep the fountains clear to help provide clean drinking water to the community for the following reasons: 

  • Hygiene and Health: Stagnant water mixed with sand and debris becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and other contaminants.
  • Conserving Water: Using drinking fountains for sand play or hand washing is not only unhygienic but also a wasteful. When sand and other debris enter the fountain, it can damage the filtration system, leading to water wastage and costly, time-consuming repairs.
  • Access to Water: By keeping these fountains clear, everyone can have access to clean drinking water.

If you notice a clogged fountain, remove debris, and report the issue via See Click Fix or call 604.526.4691.

Date posted:August 16, 2023